How can templates be made available to other users?

A: your user profile directory
B: a shared network location
C: an intranet SharePoint document library
D: none of the above


Answer 1




Related Questions

Which of the following is NOT a reason to include comments in programs?

a. Comments help the computer decide whether certain components of a program
are important.

b .Comments help programmers debug issues in their own code

c. Comments help document how code was written for other programmers to use

d. Comments enable programmers to track their work throughout the development



A Would be correct!


The reason for this is because in a code when you use the comment out the compiler will skip over it and will not do anything and will skip it. So the comment can help the computer do anything!


Using programming concepts, the option that is NOT a reason to include comments in a code is:

a. Comments help the computer decide whether certain components of a program  are important.


Usually, codes are very long, and each person is responsible for a part of the problem. The parts have to be intervened with each other, and thus, sometimes a programmer will have to look at another part of the code, not coded by him. Thus, for the programmer and other people working in the project to understand, comments are important.Additionally, the comments are used to help the programmers debug their own code, as they can go part by part and see what is done in each part, also helping them work throughout the development process.In a program, there may be some components that end up not being necessary, but this is not decided by comments, and thus, option A is not a reason to include comments in programs.

A similar problem is given at

Carlie was asked to review a software project for her company to determine specific deadlines. Which part of project management must she consider?









what specific Philippine law discusses copyright? elaborate?​


Answer: Republic Act No. 8293 "Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines".


The Republic Act No. 8293 is the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. It is the Philippine law that discusses copyright. This law protects copyrights, intellectual property, trademarks, and patents.

Examples of copyright that are protected under the law are photographic works, drawings, audiovisual works, and cinematographic works.

Help with number 12 please!


In #1 A can pass legally, in #2 B can pass legally, and in #3 neither can pass legally.

Scenario: You are part of an IT group managing Active Directory for a mid-size organization. A contracted research group with their own IT team operating from a remote location with a slow network connection has requested that they be able to setup a Child Domain in your organization's domain. The remote IT teams argument is based on their slow network, and their need to access and administer the local server that would need to exist in their remote location. Your team is split between allowing the Child Domain or recommending an Organizational Unit and delegating the remote IT team access. Yours is the deciding vote -- and cost is being considered a deciding factor. What option do you support as the best option in this scenario? What DC configuration for the remotely located server would be the best option?
If instead of cost, the deciding factor was the slow speed of their network, what option would you support as the best option?




the answer to the first question is organizational unit. this is because in this scenario that we have before us, cost is a deciding factor. a unit as this can adapt to changes, it is flexible and also not very complex


answer to question 2 is PDC emulator. this emulator can perform the function synchronization of time across every domain controller that is in the domain. other of its functions are, authentication and changing of passwords.


the answer to the 3rd question is child domain. It is a factor in this scenario because it works well in a situation where there is an issue of slow network connection.

1. Add an import statement above the class declaration to make the Scanner class available to your program.
2. In the main method, create a Scanner object and connect it to the object.
3. Prompt the user to enter his/her first name.
4. Read the name from the keyboard using the nextLine method, and store it into a variable called firstName (you will need to declare any variables you use).
5. Prompt the user to enter his/her last name.
6. Read the name from the keyboard and store it in a variable called lastName.
7. Concatenate the firstName and lastName with a space between them and store the result in a variable called fullName.
8. Print out the fullName.
9. Compile, debug, and run, using your name as test data.
10. Since we are adding on to the same program, each time we run the program we will get the output from the previous tasks before the output of the current task.



import java.util.Scanner;

public class Assignment{

public static void main(String [] args)


Scanner input = new Scanner(;

String firstName, lastName;

System.out.print("Firstname: ");

firstName = input.nextLine();

System.out.print("Lastname: ");

lastName = input.nextLine();

String fullName = firstName +" "+lastName;





I'll use the line numbers in the question to point at the corresponding instruction

import java.util.Scanner; -- The import statement (1)

public class Assignment{

public static void main(String [] args)


Scanner input = new Scanner(; -- Scanner object (2)

String firstName, lastName; -- Variable declarations

System.out.print("Firstname: "); ---- Prompt to enter first name (3)

firstName = input.nextLine(); --- User input for firstName (4)

System.out.print("Lastname: "); ---- Prompt to enter first name (5)

lastName = input.nextLine(); --- User input for lastName (6)

String fullName = firstName +" "+lastName; --- concatenating both user inputs (7)

System.out.print(fullName); --- Print out fullName (8)



What is the difference between a row and a column? Give examples



bruh this a math question not tech



a row is like stuff lined up side by side and a column could be many things but one of then is like a row of stuff but vertical

hope i help can u pls brainliest i need it :)

Lola is friends with a boy she chats with in an online video game. Lola only knows the boy by his screen name and avatar. He only knows her in the same way. Lola is careful to make good choices when talking to someone online, even someone she thinks she knows well. The boy asks her the following questions in a recent chat room meet-up. Which questions should she not answer?

What kind of music do you listen to?
What is your favorite subject?
What is your realname?
Will you promise to keep our friendship a secret?



I think the answer should be d.

C and d follow the computer SMART code.

You have a large text file of people. Each person is represented by one line in the text file. The line starts with their ID number and after that, has the person's name. The lines are sorted by ID number in ascending order. There are n lines in this file. You write a search function that returns the name of a person whose ID number is given The simplest way to do that would be to program a loop that goes through each line and compares the ID number in the line against the given ID number. If there is a match, then it returns the name in that line. This is very inefficient, because the worst-case scenario is that this program needs to go through almost everyone the person we are looking for could be last. using the fact that he tli s sored wil greany speed up the processbus to use a birarysearch alkrhm We go to the middle line of the file first and compare the ID found there (P) to the given ID (Q). (f the number of lines is even, we go above or below the arithmetic middle.) if P=Q then our algorithm terminates . we have found the person we are looking for. If P is less than Q, that means that the person we are looking for is in the second half of the file. We now repeat our algorithm on the second half of the file. If P is greater than Q, that means that the person we are looking for is in the first half of the file. We now repeat our algorithm on the first half of the file.

Of what order is the worst-case number of comparison operations that needed for this algorithm to terminate?




Which of these is outside the scope of an art director's responsibility?



Establishing Tight deadlines for a rush job.


The time taken for a rush job has nothing to do with the art director because it has nothing to do with art. Also rush jobs already call for tight deadlines so technically the deadline is already established.

Answer: cropping a photograph for the sake of space

Explanation: edge 22

The global communication network that allows computers to connect and pass through information is called?


Answer: Internet



The Internet.


Describe the environmental issues in India and list ways that technology has been used to address these issues.


India has been having to engineer better technology to better prepare people in india for the brutal monsoon seasons in india

write a program that reads in a number n and prints out n rows each containing n star charactersg


In python:

rows = int(input("How many rows would you like? "))

i = 0

while i < rows:

   print("*" * rows)

   i += 1

I hope this helps!

Could someone explain a Boolean?



It is a "True" or "False" integer.


denoting a system of algebraic notation used to represent logical propositions, especially in computing and electronics.

a binary variable, having two possible values called “true” and “false.”.


Booleans are “truth values” — they are a data type that can contain either the value true or false. (These values may be represented as 1 or 0 in other programming languages!) Boolean statements are statements that evaluate to be true or false.

(ill give brainliest to the first one who answers)
Try out the improved version of the pet app that gives the user information about pet stores close by, which uses new sources of input. Determine the information that the app gets from each source of input. (please answer each and every one of them)



Answer: it gives address the time to get there the things they selll


The Goal: Similar to the first project, this project also uses the random module in Python. The program will first randomly generate a number unknown to the user. The user needs to guess what that number is. (In other words, the user needs to be able to input information.) If the user’s guess is wrong, the program should return some sort of indication as to how wrong (e.g. The number is too high or too low). If the user guesses correctly, a positive indication should appear. You’ll need functions to check if the user input is an actual number, to see the difference between the inputted number and the randomly generated numbers, and to then compare the numbers.• Concepts to keep in mind: • Random function• Variables• Integers• Input/Output• Print• While loops• If/Else statements



Here is the Python program:

import random #to generate random numbers

def generateRandNo(): #function to generate random number

    randNo = random.randint(1,100) #generates random number in range from 1 to 100

    return randNo #returns the generated random number


def userInput(message = "Guess the number "): #to gets integer input from user and return the input number

    userGuess = int(input(message)) #store the int type input from user in userGuess variable

    return userGuess #returns the user input number


def compareNumbers(userGuess,randNo): #compares the user input with actual randomly generated number

    if userGuess > randNo: # if user input is greater than actual number

         return "The number is too high"

    elif userGuess < randNo: #if user input is less than actual number

         return "The number is too low"

    else: #if user guess is correct

         return "Correct"

def main(): #main method

    correct = False #sets correct to False

    begin = True #sets start game i.e. begin to True

    while correct or begin: #while loop keeps repeating as long as user guess is correct or user wants to start game again

         guessCount = 0  #counts number of trials user takes to guess the correct number

         randNo = generateRandNo() #generates a random number using generateRandNo

         userGuess = userInput() #gets input number from user using userInput method

         guessCount+=1 #increments at each guess made by user

         message = compareNumbers(userGuess,randNo) #compares user guess input number with actual number


         while message != "Correct" : # while message is not equal to Correct

              print(message) #prints to guess the number

              userGuess = userInput("Try again: ") #keeps asking user to try again and enter a number

              guessCount = guessCount + 1 #increments guessCount  by 1 at each guess made by user

              message = compareNumbers(userGuess,randNo) #compares user input with actual number


         print(message,"It took you ",guessCount," attempts to answer\n") #prints how much trials user took to guess correct number

         choice = input("Do you wish to continue? (Enter yes or no) ") #asks user if user wants to start over

         if choice == 'no': # if user enters no

              exit(1) #exits the program

         else: #if user enters yes starts the game again

              correct = True #sets correct guess to True

main() #calls main method to start the guess game


The program is well explained in the comments attached with each line of the code. Suppose the randomly generated number (actual number) is 50 and user input is 24  then message The number is too low is displayed and if user guess input is 80 then The number is too high is displayed. If the user guesses the correct number i.e. 50 3rd time then the message displayed is:

It took you 3 attempts to answer.

The the user is asked to continue as:

Do you wish to continue? (Enter yes or no)

If user enters no the program exits if yes then user is asked to Guess the number again.

The screenshot of output is attached.

Lonnie has several workbooks that contain financial and sales data. He needs to ensure that if the data in a single cell in one workbook changes that it is automatically updated and reflected in another workbook. What should Lonnie create?


Answer: Linked cell

Explanation: I just did a test


The person above is correct The answer is B:linked cell


Just finished Unit Test Review.

Raj’s computer just crashed and he lost most of his files. What should he do to avoid this problem in the future?

He should inspect the power and connection.
He should check all the cords and cables.
He should delete his browsing history.
He should back up his data regularly.


He should back up his data regularly


Back up his data regularly.


Power and internet can go out at anytime

Cords (unless they are to a hard drive) is irrelevant in this situation

Browsing history is also irrelevant in this situation

I might be wrong about this, but that is the best solution in my opinion.

Hope this helps!

Select the correct statement(s) regarding digital baseband modulation.
a. similar to analog signal modulation, logical ""1s"" and ""0s"" are represented by carrier wave amplitudes, frequencies, or phase angles
b. QAM is a modulation technique in which both carrier amplitude and phase angle changes represent logical data
c. with QAM, two carrier waves of the same frequency, but separated by π/2 radians, are used to represent logical data
d. all statements are correct



The answer is "Option d".


The electronic firmware synchronization was its method where even the series of bytes is amplified even before the transmission process into to the sound waves and, thus, and in conceptual "1s" and "0s" represented by large font, wavelengths, or switching frequency.

QAM utilizes both magnitudes of the transporter and adjustments in the phase shift. Rational data is represented by [tex]\frac{\pi}{2}[/tex] cartesian coordinates for both the carries waves of the same wavelengths and represents the result in total.

g Unlike when you create a String, when you create a StringBuilder, you must use the keyword ____________.



Unlike when you create a String, when you create a StringBuilder, you must use the keyword new


Strings are used in programming which also opens the way for StringBuilder to be used too. In javascript, for instance, variables are useful for storing data, We have "Let" and "const" variables. Const variables cannot be changed after they’re created. The data stored are in types an example is a string. Strings allow one to write a value and store the result in a variable.

For example, using the dot operator, when you:

console.log('love'.length); // Prints 4

Note that console.log()  allows the computer to evaluate the expression inside the parentheses and print that result to the console.

.length prints 4 as the result. This shows how the string has a property that stores the number of characters in that string.

StringBuilder with the keyword "new" is used when we want to change or modify data property stored in a string.

what can you say about the age of oceanic crust near and far from the mid oceanic rdge​



The closer crust at the Mid Atlantic Ridge is newer, and the farther the crust is older.


The Mid Atlantic Ridge produces new crust, and pushes away older crust, which means the farther away the older.

What are the four components of the Universal Systems Model?



output, process, input, and feedback


Create a class named FormLetterWriter that includes two overloaded methods named displaySalutation(). The first method takes one String parameter that represents a customer's last name, it displays the salutation "Dear Mr. or Ms." followed by the last name. The second method accepts two String parameters that represent a first and last name, and it displays the greeting "Dear" followed by the first name, a space, and the last name. After each salutation, display the rest of a short business letter: "Thank you for your recent order." Write a main() method that tests each overloaded method. Save the file as



Follows are the code to this question:

public class FormLetterWriter//defining class


static void displaySalutation(String last_Name)//defining a method displaySalutation  


       System.out.println("Dear Mr. or Ms. " + last_Name);//print value


   static void displaySalutation(String first_Name, String last_Name) //overload the method displaySalutation


       System.out.println("Dear " + first_Name + " " + last_Name);//print value


   public static void message()//defining a method message  


       System.out.println("Thank you for your recent order.");//print message


   public static void main(String[] args) //defining main method


       displaySalutation("I Kell");//calling a method displaySalutation by passing a single String value

       message();//calling message method

       displaySalutation("Christ", "John");//calling a method displaySalutation by passing a two String value

       message();//calling message method




please find the attached file.


In the above given program a calss "FormLetterWriter" is defined, in side the class we perform the method overloading, in which a method "displaySalutation" is used in first definition it accepts a single string variable "first_Name", and in second time, it accept two string variable " first_Name and last_Name".

Inside the both method, we use print method, that print its value, and an onther method message is defined, that print the given message.

In the class main method is declared, in which we apply mathod overloading and also call the message method for print the given business letter.  

المساعد للWhat property of a metal describes its ability to be easily drawn into
a wire but not rolled into a sheet without splitting? iww.





Low level security is designed to detect and impede _____ some unauthorized external activity Some None Most All



Low-level security is designed to detect and impede some unauthorized external activity.

Examples of low-level security systems include:

Basic physical obstacles to defense  Locks for increased-security  Simple lighting coverage  Standard alarm Systems


Protection devices that prevent and track any unwanted external actions are called Low-Level security measures.

Other obstacles to the installation of the security system, such as reinforced doors, fences, high-security locks, and window bars and grates, are often installed after simple physical protection barriers and locks have been created.

Also, a simple lighting system that could not be more complex than the standard security lighting systems over windows and doors and a regular security warning system that will be an unattended unit that offers monitoring capability and sound warnings at the location of unwanted entry.

Storage facilities, convenience shops, and small business premises are some of the locations that incorporate low-level security devices.


what tools IS used to mine stones and ores​





that is the tool u use

A pickaxe or a pick.

Shown in minecraft and talked about in many story's that take place in the mines.

Depending on the pickaxe material, many things could be mines like stone and ore.

Write a short quiz program which asks three true/false questions and stores the user's answers as booleans. At the end the program it should print the user's answers with the correct answers.

Note: you should use the same quiz questions and correct answers as the sample run below.

Sample run:

Java is a programming language, true or false?
Only numbers can be stored by variables in Java, true or false?
There are only 2 possible values which can be held by a boolean variable, true or false?
Question 1 - Your answer: true. Correct answer: true
Question 2 - Your answer: true. Correct answer: false
Question 3 - Your answer: false. Correct
AP CS A Unit 1: Lesson 3 - Coding Activity 3


this answering question interface is bleh

The concept of boolean variables is that; variables declared as boolean type can only take any of two values. The variable can either be true or false. Such variable cannot take any other value apart from these two.

The short quiz program is as follows.

Please note that comments are used to explain difficult lines.

import java.util.*;

public class shortQuiz{

public static void main(String[] args) {

 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

//This declares the variables that represent correct answers as boolean data type; the variables are also initialized

 boolean q1 = true, q2 = false, q3 = true;

//This declares the response to each question as boolean data type

 boolean q1response, q2response, q3response;

//This prints the first question

 System.out.print("Java is a programming language, true or false? ");

//This gets input for the first response

 q1response = input.nextBoolean();

//This prints the second question

 System.out.print("Only numbers can be stored by variables in Java, true or false? ");

//This gets input for the second response

 q2response = input.nextBoolean();

//This prints the third question

 System.out.print("There are only 2 possible values which can be held by a boolean variable, true or false? ");

//This gets input for the third response

 q3response = input.nextBoolean();

//This prints your first response, alongside the correct answer to the first question

 System.out.println("Question 1 - Your answer: "+q1response+". Correct answer: "+q1);

//This prints your second response, alongside the correct answer to the second question

 System.out.println("Question 2 - Your answer: "+q2response+". Correct answer: "+q2);

//This prints your third response, alongside the correct answer to the third question

 System.out.println("Question 3 - Your answer: "+q3response+". Correct answer: "+q3);

//The program ends here



See attached image for program sample run.

The above program initializes the correct answers using boolean variables. The correct answers are then printed, after the user answers the three questions.

Read more about boolean variables at:

what is the seven deadly sins










pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. but if you’re talking about the anime, you should watch it! it’s a good anime haha

In which setting would you be least likely to find a full-time A/V technician?

A.) stadium

B.) concert hall

B.) restaurant

D.) school


Answer: resturant

Explanation: Resturants are about making food, not about making electric. The answer to the question is resturant.

Hope this helps!

Which of the following industries does not use technology?


Marketing and advertising

Law enforcement

Arts and entertainment

None of the above



None of the above


Medicine uses technology to research

Advertiseres use platforms like Instagram to share the product they are promoting

Law enforcement uses tech to pull up databases of people's records

Arts and entertainment use them to create (in some cases), share, and sell their art.

Hope this helps!



Explanation: got it right on edge 2020

Other Questions
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