please go over the first three paragraphs I have written so far! lmk what to add or change! (the requirement is 8 or more sentences per paragraph)

( question is, what is the allure of fear?) (will report fake answers and bots)

Fear, we all have heard the word, but what exactly causes us to enjoy such a thing? One of the most enticing things about being afraid is the adrenaline rush you feel, the high you get from something so horrifying.”An adrenaline rush begins in the brain. When you perceive a dangerous or stressful situation, that information is sent to a part of the brain called the amygdala. This area of the brain plays a role in emotional processing.” (Healthline, Pg1, Paragraph6)Of course, most of these feelings only come from knowing you are in a safe environment, while still having that scary creature, or spooky experience. Something such as haunted houses or a scary movie can bring that feeling to some individuals.

Another factor of fear is the feeling of closeness it can bring to people, such as romantic interests, family, or friends. Being scared in a fun way vs being actually afraid are two very different things. While being afraid in a fun way can be a good bonding experience. A life or death situation may not be the best way to connect with someone “.If we're in real danger, we're focused on survival, not fun. But if we trigger the high arousal response in a safe space (watching a movie, going on a rollercoaster, etc.), your body is safe to enter the euphoric state of being scared while simultaneously having fun. 3. It's Normal To Enjoy Some Fear Responses And Not Others.” (Bustle, Marissa Higgins, beginning summed up paragraphs 1, 2,and 3.)

Scary experiences in a safe environment can also show courage and make someone feel proud of getting through said experience. Someone showing strength and bravery in a scary situation can also be a way of them showing off to the other people around them. For example, someone is scared to go into a haunted house. The person goes in anyways and feels gratification for being able to conquer their fear. “Some people enjoy "pushing the envelope," seeking thrills, and seeing how much fear can be tolerated. If they are able to endure the barrage of anxiety, suspense, and fear, a great sense of self-satisfaction is often experienced. I’ll never forget being scared out of my mind watching The Shining when I was 12 years old, but also being quite proud of myself for making it through the entirety of the film without turning my head away!” (Psychology today, pg 1, paragraph 3)


Answer 1


Your paragraphs are very good! It was a very interesting read! However, there were a few mistakes that I pointed out and I also gave a few tips on citing sources. I hope this feedback is useful to you. I hope you use MLA format because that is what I talked about in the sources.


When you perceive a dangerous or stressful situation, that information is sent to a part of the brain called the amygdala. This area of the brain plays a role in emotional processing” (Healthline, Pg1, Paragraph6).

                                                         Put the period after the parentheses.

Also, make sure to put spaces after your periods.

Of course, most of these feelings only come from knowing you are in a safe environment, while still having that scary creature, or spooky experience.

Remove the comma after creature; it's unnecessary.

Being scared in a fun way vs being actually afraid are two very different things. Write 'vs' fully. So like 'versus' It's more proper.

While being afraid in a fun way can be a good bonding experience. Put a comma here, not a period. A life or death situation may not be the best way to connect with someone

Remember, periods always go inside the quotation marks

Also, when citing sources write the author's name in parentheses. If there is no author, put the article's name. like this for example: ("Article Name")

If there are page numbers then do it like this: ("Article/Author Name" 1)

You do not need paragraph numbers.

And if there are no pages, just put the article or author's name. This information is for MLA citations in MLA 9.

Also, when you write article titles, make sure to capitalize the beginning of important words. For example: Psychology Today

Related Questions

Please answer the question


1. chomped
2. buzzing
3. groan
4. quacking
5. sloshing
6. whimpering
7. thud
8. screech
9. croak
1 a ,chomped

b ,buzzing

c ,granted

d , quacking

2 a , whimpering

b , thud

c ,screeches

d, croak


hope it helps u

Sonnet by James Weldon Johnson
Write: in your own words, paraphrase line 11-12


Johnson faces these fears head-on, showing his heart what it takes to live a successful and contented life. Nature frequently treats us cruelly and harshly. "Sonnet" emphasizes the internal racial conflict of the speaker and poet.

After that, the speaker tells his heart to "look up [and] beyond, the surrounding clouds" and to "grope" outside of their "own ugly blackness" (Lines 9-10). The speaker then asserts that by removing the "hind 'ring shrouds" that have burdened and constrained the heart, the heart will once again be able to "cling" to a "ever inspiring hope" (Lines 11-12).

The sonnet is one of the most popular types of English poetry. Each type of poetry has its own "rules" and is associated with a particular theme, defining it as a distinct category of poetry. Because poets have long used the sonnet's framework to explore the complex nature of passionate love, sonnets are associated with desire.

To learn more about Sonnet here:


When analyzing a political cartoon, you should identify which of the following? Select all that apply.

the values excluded
the values included
the point of view excluded
the level of satire involved
the point of view included


When analyzing a political cartoon, the values included, the level of satire involved, and the point of view is also included

How should a political cartoon be analyzed?

Analyzing a Political Cartoon: 1) Identify the cartoon's characters, symbols, and objects. 2) Look for hints and details that will provide additional context. 3) Determine the cartoon's main idea by reading any captions and putting the message in your own words.

To communicate their ideas, cartoonists employ a variety of techniques. Labels: Cartoonists frequently use words to identify or name certain things in their cartoons so that it is clear what they represent.

Therefore, Cartoonists may use simple objects to represent larger ideas or concepts.

Learn more about political cartoons from the given link.


In "The Dangers of Tradition," Bakari Bosa argues, "Perhaps it is up to each person to question the traditions they follow and determine whether they do more harm than good." Explain how the text "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson challenges this statement.

Please write in the format above and one quote needs to be from the Lottery and the other from the Dangers of Tradition ​


We can actually deduce here that the  "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson challenges the statement from  "The Dangers of Tradition," by Bakari Bosa, "Perhaps it is up to each person to question the traditions they follow and determine whether they do more harm than good." by revealing how the villagers in The Lottery were entrenched in their tradition.

The quote from The Lottery, "Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box." reveals how the villagers could not accept an idea of change due to the entrenchment in the tradition.

What is tradition?

A tradition is actually known to be a system of belief that exists and that is practiced within a group of people or society which has symbolic meaning to their existence and to their past. There are traditions that are being practiced today which has existed centuries ago.

We see that "The Lottery" here challenges the statement from "The Dangers of Tradition" by revealing how the villagers never wanted change to their tradition. Tessie Hutchinson was the only one who protested against The Lottery before she was stoned to death.

Learn more about "The Lottery" on


How did the board created by the Mexican Civil Council for Sustainable
Forestry affect tourism?




Their goal is to create a source of income, preserve the forest and support responsible tourism.  Changes to the use of land in indigenous territories will be subject to a prior, free, informed, culturally appropriate, and good faith.  Ecotourism helps in community development by providing the alternate source of livelihood to local community which is more sustainable. Many view ecotourism as a viable way to protect the natural environment and create social and economic benefits for local communities

Why are the background noises and sounds often included in radio programs


The background noises and sounds give the readers a context that enables them to relate to and comprehend the program's content.

What are radio programs?

Radio stations broadcast a range of programs, just like television. Think about the different radio shows you've listened to. You probably remember stuff from movies like phone-in shows, talks, discussions, news, cricket commentary, and other things. These many program types are referred to as "formats."

Radio programming is the process of developing a schedule of audio content for commercial and public broadcasting by radio stations.

Thus, The background noises and sounds give the readers a context.

For more information about radio programs, click here:


setting of the quote “We had passed through long walls of piled skeletons, with casks and puncheons intermingling, into the inmost recesses of the catacombs.”


It narrates the tale of Montresor, who wants vengeance on Fortunato, a fellow nobleman who repeatedly insulted him, and is set in an unnamed Italian city during the carnival.

What is the setting and mood of The Cask of Amontillado?By describing the "great walls of stacked skeletons, with casks and puncheons intermingling" in "The Cask of Amontillado," Poe evokes gruesome, unsettling pictures in the reader's mind. Additionally, Poe creates a spooky atmosphere when Montresor states, "The riverbed is below us. The liquid drips among the bones like a trickle." The reader is additionally unnerved by Poe's depiction of the eyes blazing "with a furious fire." As the reader imagines strolling beside Montresor in the depths of his catacombs, Poe uses setting, language, imagery, and tone to evoke a spooky, unpleasant mood in "The Cask of Amontillado."

To learn more about Edgar Allen Poe, refer


Read this section from “Sonnet 29” to analyze how word choice impacts tone and answer the follow-up question.

Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven’s gate;
For thy sweet love remember’d such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

Which of the following best describes the overall tone of this section of the poem?

Question 1 options:












It's hard to answer this question, because the first lines are missing. What Shakespeare is trying to do is counter the depressing thoughts he is having. He almost despises himself.

To stop that he thinks of "thee" the unknown person that is an ideal. He compares his thoughts about "thee" to a lark at break of day arising ... singing hymns at heaven's gate;

His attitude changes so much that he would "scorn to change my state with kings."

I think the best answer is hopeful.

how does the wretched and the beautiful short story prove that beauty causes people's actions to be bias?


The story "The Wretched and the Beautiful" proves that point about beauty and bias by showing how people react differently to the different groups of aliens.

What is the story about?

The short story "The Wretched and the Beautiful" is an allegory about prejudice and bias. In the story, a group of aliens arrives in our planet. They are horrendous, disgusting, so they are immediately perceived as a threat by humans.

Another group of aliens arrive, but theses aliens look beautiful. Whatever it is that they say or do, humans trust in them because of their appearance. The first group is trying to escape the second, but humans believe the second group when they claim that the other aliens are evil and dangerous.

The allegory shows that beauty leads to bias. We tend to perceive others in a more favorable way when we find them attractive. Their actions are often forgiven, their opinions are taken into consideration, their decisions are respected. On the other hand, as awful as it is to admit this, we humans tend to disregard those we find ugly.

Learn more about "The Wretched and the Beautiful" here:


What kind of music should i listen to while having a Panic Attack?


The kind of music that should be listened to when having a panic attack is slow, soothing music that has happy and positive lyrics and music.

What is a panic attack?

A panic attack is characterized by sudden, extreme anxiety. Shaking, feeling disoriented, nausea, rapid, irregular heartbeats, dry mouth, breathlessness, sweating, and dizziness are just a few of the physical signs and symptoms of panic attacks.

Although not dangerous, panic attack symptoms can be extremely frightening. Reduced levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which are affected by music, can aid in the relief of anxiety symptoms.

Therefore, when experiencing a panic attack, slow, calming music with upbeat, uplifting lyrics is what you should be listening to.

To learn more about panic attacks, refer to the below link:


1. That autumn Kate ... she would join some fitness centre

took decision


made her mind


2. Her working day in the office ... seven hours





3. Practically all the time she had to sit ... the computer





4. Naturally she began to feel some pains in the back and realized she needed ...

the exercise

any exercise

some exercise

an exercise

5. And Kate began jogging. She tried to do it each morning but she was not very ... about it





6. When the weather was bad, Kate ... her running


put away



7. When she had a lot of work to do, she simply skipped ... that day
Выберите один ответ:

an activity

the trainning

a class

the lesson

8. Very soon Kate understood she had to be more systematic and she set up a trainig ...
Выберите один ответ:





9. Every Tuesday she had to run 3 kilometers, every Thursday not less than 2 kilometers and every Saturday as far as possible. Once a week she visited the fitness centre. By the beginning of November she was jogging in rain and wind and once she did it ... in snow. She got used to it





10. By the end of the year Kate had ... changed her lifestyle






1. decided
2. lasted
3. behind
4. some exercise
5. serious
6. postponed
7. the training
8. outline
9. even
10. really

I have an english assignment on the first chapter in The Round House by Louise Erdrich. II can send each page if needed just DM


The Round House, the fourteenth book by author Louise Erdrich, was released in 2012. The Round House's 1988 events are narrated in flashback by the protagonist and narrator Joe Coutts. 

The Round House, like many of Erdich's earlier books, is set in an Ojibwe hamlet in North Dakota. Joe takes revenge on his mother's attacker after she is viciously attacked and assaulted in close proximity to a r ound house.

Joe personifies the trees that have encroached on the foundation of his family's home in the first chapter. He emphasises the strength and importance of the trees by saying that they "attacked."
Allowing Joe to be the narrator provides an unexpected viewpoint that most people would not consider when a crime is taking place. This fresh viewpoint gives the narrative a distinctive slant. The story shows how his innocence quickly vanishes and how his mother's corruption pushes him to harm someone, adding to the psychological burden he is already under.

To know more about Poetic devices, refer to this link:


Anne Frank: the diary of a young girl (Study Sync pg.126

In this excerpt of the diary, readers learn how
Anne Frank responded to the frightening
circumstances she faced as a Jewish girl during
the Holocaust. What do her diary entries suggest
about the kind of person she was? Highlight
details that reveal Anne's character, and make
annotations to explain your ideas.


would you mind taking a picture of the page for me to scan through for you?

What part of the plot does this excerpt reveal? it is part of the exposition that reveals the spirituality of puritans. It is part of the exposition that introduces the townspeople. It is part of the rising action that reveals public sentiment toward hester. It is part of the rising action that introduces a physical confrontation.


The correct answer is the following: option c. The excerpt provided in the question reveals the part of the plot that is  the rising action that reveals public sentiment toward Hester.

The example shows how Hester is said to be a disgrace and someone who has brought shame to all of Boston's Puritan people. The public's attitude toward Hester is unmistakably one of absolute fury and a desire for punishment for her actions, it is abundantly plain.

In his 1850 book "The Scarlet Letter," American author Nathaniel Hawthorne tells the story of adulterers Hether Prynne and her lover Arthur Dimmensdale and how society punishes them, primarily by making Hether wear a scarlet A on her.

Learn more about Hester:


The complete question is ''Read this excerpt from chapter 2 of The Scarlet Letter.

“This woman has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die. Is there not law for it? Truly there is, both in the Scripture and the statute-book. Then let the magistrates, who have made it of no effect, thank themselves if their own wives and daughters go astray!”

What part of the plot does this excerpt reveal?

It is part of the exposition that reveals the spirituality of Puritans.

It is part of the exposition that introduces the townspeople.

It is part of the rising action that reveals public sentiment toward Hester.

It is part of the rising action that introduces a physical confrontation.

What type of clientele (customers) does Georgia Pacific hope to attract?


One of the top producers of tissue, pulp, paper, packaging, building supplies, and related chemicals is Georgia-Pacific. Utilizing resources effectively, Georgia-Pacific offers cutting-edge goods and services that satisfy the demands of customers and society.

All the while conducting business in a way that is ethical, moral, and financially sound. Weyerhaeuser, Packaging Corporation of America, Hexion, and ARAUCO are some of the businesses that compete with and are similar to Georgia-Pacific. Georgia-Pacific (GP) is a producer of customers materials, tissues, pulp, paper, packaging, and associated chemicals. The majority of employees give their interview experience at Georgia-Pacific a C, or 69/100, believing that the questions were average.

To learn more about customers, click here.


Which form of media would be appropriate for a presentation on The Bill of Rights?
A a photo showing the original document
B a graph showing the number of amendments
C a tape of the presenter reading The Bill of Rights
D a book containing an examination of The Bill of Rights


A book containing an examination of The Bill of Rights would be an appropriate form of media for a presentation on the Bill of Rights. Therefore, the option D holds true.

What is the significance of a form of media?

Form of media can be referred to or considered as the modes in which a media can be put in front of the public for the purpose of consumption according to the ease and comfort of their own. A book is a form of media that is completely appropriate for the presentation of the Bill of Rights. This is because, the people will be able to interpret it effectively.

Therefore, the option D holds true and states regarding the significance of forms of media.

Learn more about forms of media here:


Click to correct the one capitalization error.
Edward R. Murrow was a famous american journalist who became a household
name during World War II when his series of radio news broadcasts were followed
by millions of listeners.





As America is a country and it's capitalized, the same should be done for Americans or American.

The sentence after correcting capitalization error would be: Edward R. Murrow was a famous American journalist who became a household name during World War II when his series of radio news broadcasts were followed by millions of listeners.

A sentence is a grammatical unit that consists of words expressing a complete thought or idea. It typically contains a subject (the noun or pronoun that performs the action) and a predicate (the verb that describes the action or state of being). A sentence can stand alone as a complete statement, question, command, or exclamation. It conveys meaning and communicates information or expresses thoughts, feelings, or instructions. Sentences are fundamental units of communication in written and spoken language, allowing us to express ourselves and interact with others effectively.

Learn more about sentence here:


Can someone write an essay for me or is it not allowed?

The essay is about What is the relationship between one’s social identity and one’s personal identity.

It kinda has to be 1500 words or more but at this point i’ll take anything.


Kindly do your homework by yourself because it is not allowed to get your essay done by others.

It isn't allowed but I like writing essays for some reason, so I'll do it for you. Give me abt 20 minutes, I'll edit this and put the essay in. Just delete some part that you don't think are important.

The relationship between personal and social identities.  


All of us are a mixture of personal and social identities, which reflect different aspects of who we are. Some people identify themselves as friendly and outgoing, while others might see themselves as shy and reserved. One of the biggest questions to consider is just how much should be defined by our personalities as opposed to what other parts of our identities may have to say?  

For example, whether or not you’re friendly and outgoing is an aspect of your personal identity. While if you define yourself as a fan of a specific sports team, such as “I am an avid football fan” it is part of your social identity.

Both passages evaluate provisions made in the constitution. how do the authors claims in the passages differ


The primary passage claims that standardized trying out blessings teachers A claim is a declaration t the author believes to be actual approximately a particular issue.

He made unreasonable claims on the physician's time. an statement of some thing as a fact: He made no claims to originality a right to assert or demand a simply name to something. His declare to the heavyweight title is disputed.

A declaration persuades, argues, convinces, proves, or provocatively indicates something to a reader who may also or might not first of all trust.

Three styles of claims are as follows: reality, cost, and policy. Claims of reality try to establish that some thing is or isn't always the case. Claims of price try to establish the general well worth, advantage, or importance of some thing. Claims of coverage try to establish, support, or trade a course of motion.

A declaration is the primary argument of an essay. it is the maximum crucial part of an educational paper. A claim defines the paper's desires, course, and scope. it's miles supported via evidence.

Learn more about claims here:-


How does senator obama’s use of the metaphor ""beacon of freedom"" reflect the purpose of inspiring the audience to take action in the upcoming election? select all that apply.


Sen. Obama use of the metaphor "beacon of freedom" is an ethical appeal that reminds the audience of the country's core values and that it needs to be protected.

A metaphor is a figure of speech which describes something in an imaginative way by referring to something else which is the same in a particular way. The metaphor "beacon of freedom" was used by Sen. Obama to describe the core values of America and her people.

Here's the complete question:

How does Senator Obama's use of the metaphor "beacon of freedom" reflect the purpose of inspiring the audience to take action in the upcoming election? Select all that apply.

A.The use of the metaphor "beacon of freedom" reinforces the idea that the United States is regarded as the land of opportunity and hope for a better life.

B. The use of the metaphor "beacon of freedom" is an appeal to pathos that invites the audience to show compassion to immigrants in the United States.

C. The use of the metaphor "beacon of freedom" is a logical appeal that urges the audience to consider all factors before taking advantage of opportunities.

D. The use of the metaphor "beacon of freedom" suggests that the opportunities that the United States offers should not be taken for granted.

E. The use of the metaphor "beacon of freedom" is an ethical appeal that reminds the audience of the country's core values and that it needs to be protected.

Learn more about beacon of freedom from:


From the information in this passage, the reader can infer that
the American Beverage Association provides classes to teach students about healthy eating.
sodas and other sugary drinks are the leading cause of obesity and death in the United States.
the American Beverage Association believes children should not have access to soda in school.
the U.S. lawmakers who support the tax receive a lot of money and support from soda companies.


Based on the given passage, the reader is able to infer that A. the American Beverage Association provides classes to teach students about healthy eating.

What does the American Beverage Association do?

The American Beverage Association is an interest group that tries to represent and protect the interests of beverage making companies such as those that make soft drinks and sodas.

The American Beverage Association as shown in the passage, recognizes the danger of taking too many sugary drinks and how this can be linked to obesity. As part of their outreach programs therefore, they try to espouse on the need for healthy eating and with their Balance Calories Initiative, they hope to teach students how to eat healthy.

Even though the American Beverage Association tries to teach students about healthy eating, there are concerns by many people that this is hypocritical. This is because the  American Beverage Association supports businesses which sell sugary drinks and so are not healthy. The Association replies these people by stating that sugary drinks can be taken in moderation and still be healthy.

The passage in question is:

The American Beverage Association presents the Balance Calories Initiative. This is our aim to reach out to students across the United States and talk to them about the need to eat healthy. Over the past few months, we have engaged in classes across American High Schools to teach students the benefits of healthy eating.

Find out more on the American Beverage Association at



C. the American Beverage Association believes children should not have access to soda in school.

5. What does it mean to be a "hero"?
How do you think the authors would answer this question?
What do you think?


Answer: A hero is someone who does good and courageous things for other people without being asked to do them. A hero is someone who has a strong sense of justice and goodness and acts upon that sense.


If God is good, why is there so much suffering in this world?



Do you have to write an essay or ur js asking us

i thought of the night when i first came to his ancestral home, three months before. the lawn and drive had been crowded with the faces of those who guessed at his corruption—and he had stood on those steps, concealing his incorruptible dream, as he waved them good-by.


One thing has changed since the first time Nick went to Gatsby's house is Gatsby lied about his family and past. Gatsby lied including his relationship with Daisy and his ancestral home does not belong to him.

The text above can be classified in text description. Descriptive text can be defined as a text that contains a description of the properties of objects, people, or events.

There are some types of Description Text, such as spatial description text, subjective descriptive text, and also objective descriptive text

Description text has a function to provide understanding to the reader through a description of an object being discussed in the text.

"i thought of the night when i first came to his ancestral home, three months before. the lawn and drive had been crowded with the faces of those who guessed at his corruption—and he had stood on those steps, concealing his incorruptible dream, as he waved them good-by." What one thing has changed since the first time Nick went to Gatsby's house?

learn more about description text here


Please help will give brainiest!!!

Which of the following scenarios would be an example of situational irony?

A. Jane enjoyed writing and filled up three full notebooks with stories from her summer vacation.
B. Tom's mom made chocolate chip cookies for him on his birthday.
C. The hero of the story falls in love with the evil villain.





Complete the sentence with the correct rhetorical technique.

Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. . . .

In paragraph 4, Henry uses
A. bandwagon appeals
B. simile
C. anaphora
D. hasty generalizations
while presenting his evidence supporting his claim.


In paragraph 4, Henry uses bandwagon appeals while presenting his evidence supporting his claim.

The bandwagon fallacy sometimes referred to as the appeal to popular opinion or the appeal to the crowd, attempts to influence people to act or hold a particular belief because "everyone else is doing it" or "everyone else thinks this," respectively.

There are many ways for a speaker or writer to keep their audience interested: Pathos, logos, or one of three other concepts: ethics and morality, logic, or emotion (ethos).

Rhetorical techniques, or devices as they are more often known, are words or word combinations used to convey meaning, elicit a response from a listener or reader, and persuade during communication. Rhetorical strategies can be used in writing, speaking, or speech preparation.

Learn more about the rhetorical technique here:


Who pays the true cost of so many novice climbers trying to summit the mountain? What is that cost?


The  people who pays the true cost of so many novice climbers trying to summit the mountain is the novice in question and commercial guiding company that believe in the novice. They both share the cost.

The cost ranges from  $28,000 to $85,000.

What is the name for mountain climbing?

Mountain climbing, commonly known as mountaineering, is a sport that involves reaching or making an effort to reach high points in mountainous terrain, primarily for personal enjoyment.

The sport of mountaineering, often known as mountain climbing, involves reaching or attempting to reach high points in hilly terrain, mostly for the enjoyment and excitement of the ascent. The sport requires a great deal of physical exertion. It involves mountaineering, rock climbing, and navigating snow- and ice-covered hills.

There are numerous other supplies that expeditions require radios, tables and others as well as other addition to additional costs such as the Liaison Officer's salary and also transportation expenses. You'll have to pay for this because it's a significant investment  for any business.

Learn more about  mountain climbing from

Select two excerpts from the passage that together
best support the correct central ideas from Part A.
1. "Economy is demanded in every branch of the
Government at all times, but especially in
periods, like the present, of depression in
business and distress among the people."
(Paragraph 2)
2. "Agriculture has languished and labor
suffered. The revival of manufacturing will be
a relief to both." (Paragraph 3)
3. "The depressed condition of industry... has
lessened the ability of the people to meet the
demands upon them" (Paragraph 3)
4. "The great essential to our happiness and
prosperity is that we adhere to the principles
upon which the Government was established
and insist upon their faithful observance."
(Paragraph 4)
5. "The North and the South no longer divide on
the old lines... and in this fact surely every
lover of the country can find cause for true
felicitation." (Paragraph 5)



1 and 3


4. How do you define your own priorities and values when
they conflict with others' expectations of you?
How do you think the authors would answer this question? Notable Quote(s)/Example(s):
What do you think?
Notable Quote(s)/Example(s):


During a conflict, I actively adjust my attitude. This means that I make an effort to listen to the other person's perspective without becoming defensive. To avoid further complications, I also try to move the confrontation to a private space.

What exactly is conflict?A struggle and a clash of interests, opinions, or even principles are defined as conflict. Conflict will always exist in society, regardless of whether the source of the conflict is personal, racial, class, caste, political, or international.Differences, both large and small, cause conflict. It occurs when people have different values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires. These differences may appear minor at times, but when a conflict elicits strong emotions, a deep personal need is frequently at the root of the problem.Conflicts in organizations also lead to disrespect and unnecessary tensions. Individuals gossip about others and pollute the environment; you may be an excellent performer and a diligent worker, but if you continue to fight with your coworkers, you will undoubtedly earn a bad reputation.

Hence, This means that I make an effort to listen to the other person's perspective without becoming defensive. To avoid further complications, I also try to move the confrontation to a private space.

To learn more about conflict refer to:


Choose the word or phrase that uses the correct verb tense in the underlined section of the sentence below
“What I needed( is )solitude to sort out the confusion and uneasiness.”

O had been
O was
O were
correct as is


Hey Mate!!!



Hope it helps you

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Solve the inequality.16-x^=0 Darius is planning a presentation at the high school as part of the back-to-school week for new members of the student council. Darius wants to help inform new members about how to get involved in campus activities.Read the scenario. Then, select the best answer to each question below.What is the topic of Dariuss presentation?.Who is the intended audience of Dariuss presentation?.What is the purpose of the presentation?.What is the occasion of the presentatio A piece of metal has a mass of 32.4g and has a volume of 24.9cm. What is itsdensity? Mei and Dennis compare the numbers graphed on the number line below. Mei writes theinequality -9 Identify the zeros of the funtion using a graphing calculator. 2f(x)=x(squared) - 9enter your answer in {brackets} from least to greatest The system of equations is solved using the linear combination method.StartLayout 1st row 1st column one-half x + 4 y = 8 right-arrow 2nd column negative 2 (one-half x + 4 y = 8) right-arrow 3rd column negative x minus 8 y = negative 16 2nd row 1st column 3 x + 24 y = 12 right-arrow 2nd column one-third (3 x + 24 y = 12) right arrow x + 8 y = 4 with Bar Underscript 3rd row 3rd column 0 = negative 12 EndLayoutWhat does 0 = 12 mean regarding the solution to the system?There are no solutions to the system because the equations represent parallel lines.There are no solutions to the system because the equations represent the same line.There are infinitely many solutions to the system because the equations represent parallel lines.There are infinitely many solutions to the system because the equations represent the same line. Select the correct answer.Which of these lines from "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman best demonstrates the unreliability of the narrator? A. John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage. B. There comes John's sister. Such a dear girl as she is, and so careful of me! C. I can see a strange, provoking, formless sort of figure, that seems to skulk about behind that silly and conspicuous front design. D. But I can write when she is out, and see her a long way off from these windows. E. He is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction. A store has two types of animal feed available. Type A contains 3 pounds of oats and 2 pounds of corn per bag. Type B contains 1 pounof corn per bag. A farmer wants to combine the two types so that the resulting mixture has at least 16 pounds of oats and at least 52only has 15 bags of type A feed and 13 bags of type B feed in stock. Type A costs $4 per bag, and type B costs $1 per bag. How manythe farmer buy to minimize his cost?Note that the ALEKS graphing calculator can be used to make computations easier.OO EXPLANATIONAnswer : type A feed : 1 bag(s)Type B feed : 13 bag(s) 13. The percentage composition of a compound isa . the percentage by volume of each element in the compound.b . the percentage by mass of each element in the compound.c . molar mass of the compound the mass of each element in 1 mol of the compound.d . the mass of each element in 1 mol of the compound the molare . mass of the compound. Compare the narrator in the poem "The Raven" to Edgar Allan Poe. How are they similar? Use specific evidence to support your claim. Remember to include your citations as well. Poe Bio: "The Raven" when chronic disease became a more important cause of death in developed countries, different epidemiologic models were developed to study the many factors involved in the development of these health conditions. which is an example of such a model? Which statement is true of the graphed function? (PICTURE OF GRAPH BELOW)a) More information is needed to determine whether the graphed function is even, odd, or neither.b)The function is neither an even nor an odd function.c) The function is an even function.d) the function is an odd function An object moves 60.0 m on a bearing (angle from North) of 60.0. If the object then moves 30.0 m North, how far is it from the start point? You may use a scale diagram or trigonometry to answer this question. Evaluate using order of operations: (8 + 7) + (3.5) Please answer me this as soon as possible i need it urgently. Note: This is grade 6 maths. Rabbits are members of a community in a meadow. The rabbits eat grasses, clover, as well as roots, seeds, and tree bark. What defines the organisms that share the same trophic level as the rabbits?. Find the surface area and volume of each solid. Round each measure to the nearest tenth, if necessary a cone with a 5 yd radius, and a 13yd slant The majority of cases in the American criminal justice system will proceed to trial.TrueFalse Choose all the correct answers using the diagram below.What is the length of the diagonal?2213No answer text provided. Please help 1111111ajahwbiskakapqlwjbsmskskwnwjwjs