Select the correct answer.

Listen to the audio and choose the sentence that correctly describes the relationship between Maurice and Renée.

Link to audio!!:

(you might need to copy and paste the link and also it takes a minute to load and when you get there just click the play button)

A. Maurice est le père de Renée.

B. Maurice est le grand-père de Renée.

C. Maurice est le mari de Renée.

D. Maurice est le frère de Renée.


Answer 1


B. Maurice est le grand-père de Renée.

Related Questions

answer this for me please



Translation in image


1. Rock_____________

2. we_____________

3. you _____________

4. young ladies_____________

5. i _____________

6. you _____________

1.rock 2.we3. You 4.young lady

1: dans quel sens Marina Melody Mercier affirme qu´être « écrivain est un vrai métier »

2: Est-ce que Marina Melody Mercier est une écrivaine déjà affirmée ? Justifiez votre réponse

3: Résumez en une phrase en quoi consiste l´important travail d´écriture .

4: Quelle difficulté surgit une fois le travail d´écriture terminé?

5: Que se passe-t-il après la publication?

6: Comment devient-on écrivain ?



1.) Car c'est un vrai metier, il y a un savior-faire, un vrai rapport au temps, et la pratique se perfectionne, se peaufine, s'adapte.

2.) Marina a travaille six mois, avec des interuptions de plusieurs semaines

3.) Cela demande de la methode, de l'organisation et de la volonte, insiste-t-elle. Car, de l'idee a l'ouvrage, il y a un important travail d'ecriture, propre a chaque ecrivain, mais qui demande un effort qu'il ne faut pas ignorer

4.) l'ecrivain doit ensuite le faire editer.

5.) Pour un premier roman, cela se solde en general par l'envoi de nombreux acceptee des le premier envoi aux editions 93

I don't know the last one and I hope this is right, not so great at french but I know enough of it


French work. I’ve never even heard of the top 4 words. What is it asking?



First horizontally line: Es - As - Gardes - Répares

Second: Sont - Ont - Gardent - Réparent

Third: Sommes - Avons - Gardons - Réparons

Final one: Suis - Ai - Garde - Répare


I suppose that you have to conjugate it in present tense.

Tu = You

Ils = They

Nous = We

Je/J = I

Être = Be

Avoir = Have

Garder = To keep

Réparer = To fix

Socle Élaborer une interprétation de textes littéraires
Quel jugement Rica porte-t-il sur les « caprices de
la mode » dans les lignes 1 à 25 ? Quels arguments
développe-t-il ?
a. Quel caprice de la mode exprime le groupe
de mots en vert? celui en bleu ? Relevez d'autres
passages soulignant chacun de ces caprices.
b. Quel est l'effet produit sur le lecteur ? c. Quel
est le procédé d'écriture employé ?
Les « caprices de la mode » tiennent-ils du
comportement grégaire ? Expliquez.
a. De quoi est-il question dans le dernier para-
graphe? b. Quel lien faites-vous entre ce para-
graphe et les précédents ? c. De quel texte du
chapitre pouvez-vous rapprocher ce passage?
Pourquoi ?
Quel rôle le recours à la forme de la lettre joue-t-il
dans ce texte ?
►Socle Utiliser l'écrit pour penser et pour apprendre



Base Developing an interpretation of literary texts

What judgment does Rica pass on the "whims of

la mode” in lines 1 to 25? What arguments

does he develop?

has. What whim of fashion expresses the group

words in green? the one in blue? raise others

passages highlighting each of these quirks.

b. What is the effect on the reader? vs. What

is the writing process used?

Are the “whims of fashion” related to

gregarious behavior? Explain.

has. What is the last paragraph about?

graph? b. What connection do you make between this para-

graph and the precedents? vs. From which text of

chapter can you relate this passage?

Why ?

What role does the use of the form of the letter play

in this text ?


►Base Using writing to think and learn


Avec les nouvelles technologies, tout le monde peut devenir journaliste. Qu’en pensez-vous?

Minimum of 50-60 words.


L'affirmation selon laquelle avec les nouvelles technologies, n'importe qui peut devenir journaliste est vraie, mais elle doit être analysée avec un esprit critique.

Quel est le rôle d'un journaliste ?

Ce professionnel est chargé d'enquêter et de vérifier les faits qui seront transmis par les moyens de communication de masse, tels que les interviews et les nouvelles diffusées dans les journaux et la télévision.

La responsabilité de ce professionnel est importante, puisque les reportages journalistiques sont capables d'influencer les actions, les pensées et les opinions des individus dans la société.

Internet est donc une technologie qui a permis l'émergence de blogs d'opinion et de médias sociaux, où les individus sont capables de faire passer un message à un grand nombre de personnes.

Cependant, il est important de noter que sur Internet, il peut y avoir de fausses nouvelles propagées qui ne sont pas correctement vérifiées comme dans un travail journalistique.

En savoir plus sur le journalisme sur:


Who did the Mayans fight with over the land for many years?



Aztecs that's all I know

Expression écrite sur l'amitié en pas trop longue svp


Une épaule pour pleurer

can someone help me on this one?







invitent ( voyager ne convient pas)


vous  vous retrouvez

Write a paragraph of at least five sentences, and describe three similarities and three differences between your daily routine and the daily routine of a teenager in Senegal, Cambodia, and/or Haiti.


After doing some research, you can write about the daily routine of a teenager in Senegal, who goes to school and church, and who teaches other teenagers.

J'ai fait des recherches sur la routine quotidienne d'un adolescent au Sénégal. J'ai découvert que nous faisions certaines choses en commun. Nous allons tous les deux à l'école, étudions les langues et allons à l'église. Je pense qu'il va à l'église tous les jours, mais je n'y vais que le week-end. Cependant, il y a aussi quelques différences. Je fais du sport, mais il ne fait pas de sport. Il mange avec toute sa famille, mais je seulement  dîne avec mes parents. Nous ne prenons pas le petit-déjeuner et le déjeuner ensemble. Enfin, il enseigne à d'autres adolescents, mais pas moi.

How to write about daily routines

Be it in French or in English, when writing about daily routines, we must use verbs in the present form. For this question, you must compare your daily routine to that of a teenager in one of the countries listed. We were able to find a video online about the life of a certain teenager in Senegal.

The paragraph written above in French focuses on the following:

Similarities: You and the teenager both go to school, go to church and study other languages.Differences: You play sports, but he does not. He has all meals with his whole family, but you only have dinner with your parents. He teaches other teenagers, but you do not.

The paragraph above is simply an example comparing the daily routines of different people. Feel free to make it personal and talk about your real routine.

Learn more about daily routines here:


Please associate the statements in column A to the idioms in column B.​


1 with a
2 with e
3 with d
4 with c
5 with b


1 - 1

2 -5

3 - 4

4 - 3

5- 2

Un groupe d'amis parle de l'anniversaire de Claudette. Antoine n'entend pas très bien. Il répète tout ce que les gens disent. Utilisez des pronoms pour écrire ses questions.
Je veux donner cette chemise noire à Claudette.
Example answerTu veux la lui donner?End example answer

Question 1 with 1 blank
Son père a acheté la petite voiture bleue à Claudette.
1 of 1
Question 2 with 1 blank
Nous envoyons les invitations aux amis.
1 of 1
Question 3 with 1 blank
Le prof a donné la meilleure note à Claudette le jour de son anniversaire.
1 of 1
Question 4 with 1 blank
Je vais prêter mon tailleur à Claudette vendredi soir.
1 of 1
Question 5 with 1 blank
Est-ce que vous voulez me lire l'invitation?
1 of 1
Question 6 with 1 blank
Nous n'avons pas envoyé la carte au professeur
1 of 1
Question 7 with 1 blank
Gilbert et Arthur vont nous apporter le gâteau.
1 of 1
Question 8 with 1 blank
Sa mère va payer le restaurant à sa fille.
1 of 1



Il  la lui a achetée .

Question 2 with 1 blank

Nous les leur envoyons .

Question 3 with 1 blank

il  la lui a donné  le jour de son anniversaire.

Question 4 with 1 blank

Je vais le lui  prêter vendredi soir.

Question 5 with 1 blank

Est-ce que vous voulez me la lire?

Question 6 with 1 blank

Nous ne la lui avons pas envoyé .

Question 7 with 1 blank

ils  vont nous l' apporter.

Question 8 with 1 blank

Elle va le lui payer.


1. Son père la lui a achetée?

2.Vous les leur envoyez?

3.Le prof la lui a donnée?

4.Le prof la lui a donnée?

5.Est-ce que je veux te la lire?

6.Vous ne la lui avez pas envoyée?

7.Ils vont vous l'apporter?

8.Elle va le lui payer?


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Include evidence from the text. a fruit basket contains 5 apples, 6 oranges, and 3 peaches. if 3 fruit are selected and consumed, then compute the chance that all 3 fruits are not apples. write the answer as a decimal number rounded to third place value. group of answer choices Complete the instructions to move from one point to another along the line y = 2/3x + 1 ___ ___ unit(s), then right 9 units. The following two right triangles are similar.If side DE = 45, side HI = 36, and side DF = 30, what is the length of side HJ?A)21B)24C)20D)19 Look at the two histograms below. They give you information about the heights of players on two basketball teams, the Tigers and the Panthers. Use the histograms to answer the following questions. For the year, simmons incorporated reports net sales of $100,000, cost of goods sold of $80,000, and an average inventory balance of $40,000. What is simmons gross profit ratio?. 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People zipped in front of her with briefcases tucked to their sides as high heels clacked on the pavement. It was all so overwhelming, so loud, and Hattie put her hands over her ears to shut out the sounds of the taxi horns and the thousand different conversations. Her little sister Evelyn didnt; she was trying to take it all in.Her mother pulled out a map from her purse and held it in shaky hands. According to this, our new home should be right here. Hattie traced her mothers index finger to a building that was so high that she had to crane her neck to see the top.This? Evelyn gasped.Her father, the man who was never at a loss for words, didnt say anything. He adjusted the weight of the three bags that contained most of the possessions theyd been able to bring on the three-hour plane journey that had uprooted them from their old lives and deposited them in New York City.Her father struggled to open the heavy front door, and when they were inside, the smell of hundreds of different meals clashed in her nose: spaghetti, fried chicken, fish, and curry. They stood in front of a bank of elevators as Evelyn pushed the button for the seventeenth floor. When they entered what would be their new home, Hattie spun around in tiny circles as her father gave them the grand tour.Here is where you and Evelyn will sleep, he announced. He pointed to a room that was half the size of the Iowa bedroom that was hers alone, the same Iowa bedroom where shed had all her sleepovers and whose walls still showcased the crayon scribbles from when she was a toddler. Shed tried to scrub them clean, but they were more stubborn than she was, so they would be there for the new family that would be moving in soon.Evelyn tried to sound excited. We get to share a room!Hattie was grateful for her younger sister, for the way that she could always look at the bright side of things. Hattie couldnt say anything in responseshed been speechless for most of the trip. Instead, she followed her father down the hallway that was narrow enough for one person to fit through, maybe two if they squeezed shoulder to shoulder.And here is where your mom and I will be. She could hear the forced excitement in her fathers voice for a move that he didnt want to make either. But theyd had to sell the farm, and when this opportunity presented itself, there had really been no choice.The tour was over as soon as it startedtiny kitchen, one bathroom, boxy living room. The four of them would be sharing an apartment that was smaller than the drafty old kitchen in the farmhouse.Without a word, they grabbed boxes and started about the business of unpacking in rooms that were inches away from one another rather than feet. Hattie walked over to a dirty square window in her new shared bedroom. She wiped it clean, hoping to see something that would remind her of Iowa, but the window only looked out onto more concrete and glass. A wave of sadness washed over herthe first crack in the numbness that shed been feeling for the past month since she found out about the move. She turned her back and lowered her head so Evelyn wouldnt see her, but then the sobs came, each louder than the previous one.There was a hand on her shoulder. She wanted to put the smile back on because she knew it would be better for Evelyn and everyone else that way, but she couldnt summon it now. She turned around and saw her blurry sister through tear-filled eyes. In front of her face, Evelyn was holding a folded-up picture of the whole family in front of the farmhouse.I miss it too, Evelyn began, but we dont have to forget it.Together, they taped the picture to the corner of the bedroom window so they could see it whenever they wanted. Hattie pulled Evelyn close, knowing that a place would never be as important as the people in it. An architect is designing a gazebo which base is a regular dodecagon. At what angle should he cut to frame the base? the positive difference between the product of 78 and 36 and their sum is 54=Pls help its due in 20 mins Find the unit rate. Enter your answer as a mixed number.A fertilizer covers 5/8 square foot in 1/6 hour.The unit rate is square feet per hour.