jadflkasdvs dj kfsdak lsjkja cj;Jvj skaldv s akllkjf skdfjs dkljsf ?
How should the following statement be classified?
Every year, more students go to prom than to the homecoming dance.
it should be a opion because what if different schools arent like this one
what is measurement?
Magnitude (or extent or amount) determined by an act of measuring is measurement.
What language is this? Привет народ возьмите эти баллы
this language is Russian
Hello folks take these points it is said in Russian
Écoutez le bulletin météorologique et indiquez si chaque affirmation est vraie ou fausse.
1. C'est l'été.
a. vrai
b. faux
2. Le printemps commence le 21 mars.
a. vrai
b. faux
3. Il fait 11 degrés vendredi.
a. vrai
b. faux
4. Il fait du vent vendredi.
a. vrai
b. faux
5. Il va faire soleil samedi.
a. vrai
b. faux
6. Il faut utiliser le parapluie et l'imperméable vendredi.
a. vrai
b. faux
7. Il va faire un temps épouvantable dimanche.
a. vrai
b. faux
8. Il ne va pas faire chaud samedi.
a. vrai
b. faux
itu aj yg kutau maaf kalo salah
चैते दसै किन सारिएको होला ।तार्किक उत्तर दिनुहोस....
In Ancient, People used to celebrate Bada dashain at this time. But during this time people started suffering from health diseases due to heavy food during festival. So, this festival is move to autumn during asojh/bhadra for celebration. According to legends, Durga came to help Rama for victory to win Ravan
पुरातन समयमा, मानिसहरूले यस समयमा बडा डाशाइन मनाउँथे। तर यस समयमा मानिसहरू स्वास्थ्य रोगबाट ग्रस्त हुन थाले जुन चाडमा भारी खानाले गर्दा। त्यसो भए यो उत्सव शरद toतुमा आशोज / भद्राका बेलामा मनाउन सकिन्छ। दन्त्यकथाका अनुसार रावणलाई रावणलाई जित्नका लागि दुर्गा रामलाई सहयोग पुर्याउन आए
sa paggawa ng patalastas kailangang alamin kung_____
Select the three adjectives. Don't select any articles (a, an, or the) The three daring acrobats dazzled the audience with a thrilling show.
I want a paragraph for the written communication? please please
Answer: A 'Written Communication' means the sending of messages, orders or instructions in writing through letters, circulars, manuals, reports, telegrams, office memos, bulletins, etc. It is a formal method of communication and is less flexible.
what is measurement of science
Measurement is the process of obtaining the magnitude of a quantity relative to an agreed standard. The science of weights and measures is called metrology
A Paragraqh for a written communication?
Paragraphing is the practice of dividing a text into paragraphs. The purpose of paragraphing is to signal shifts in thinking and give readers a rest. Paragraphing is "a way of making visible to the reader the stages in the writer's thinking"
I hope this helps !
napisz charakterystykę o twoim ojcu? Kim jest dla ciebie?
I don't understand the question
I don't understand what you have written I am sorry
Select the four adjectives. Don't select any articles (a, an, or the). The tiny sapling may look delicate, but it will grow into a large tree in several years.
So the four adjectives are as follows:
- Tiny
- Delicate
- Several (Honestly, I had to look up whether this one was a adjective or not...but it is)
Assinale a alternativa que explica a classificação do seguinte período: Socorra-me, por favor! Português
donde esta la pregunta
Yo habla espanol y ingles
What is the Mirabal family's attitude toward Trujillo?
Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible to answer. However, when analyzing the context of the question and the character's name, we can consider that you are referring to the book "In the Time of the Butterflies" written by J. Alvarez.
This book portrays the Mirabal family's relationship with the tyrannical dictator Trujilo's regime in the Dominican Republic. The Mirabal family had a strong loyalty to Trujilo. This loyalty was so great that the Mirabal sisters receive books that show Trujilo as the savior of the country, moreover, they are obliged to participate in a celebration to the government of the dictator on the day of independence of the Dominican Republic.
Even in the face of this loyalty, the girls get involved in groups that seek the overthrow of the Trujillo government, but they do it hidden from their family and friends. This involvement causes the girls to suffer a lot of repressions, even being murdered as traitors to the government.
Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival.
Which phrase best describes the connotation of the word “reigns”?
a sense of opportunity and growth
a sense of fear and anxiety
a sense of compassion and humanity
a sense of oppression and domination
alright so this is my whole quiz that i got 100% on good luck to you all
1.Read the excerpt from Thomas Paine’s work “The Crisis” No. 1.
Which phrase from the excerpt best reflects the excerpt’s passionate tone?
“enforce her tyranny”
2.Read the excerpt from Rudolfo Anaya’s essay “Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry.”
Which choice best describes the purpose of this text?
to persuade readers to oppose the censorship of literature
3.Read the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence.
In this excerpt, certain words are capitalized to
highlight the supremacy of certain concepts.
4.Read the excerpt from Thomas Paine’s work Common Sense.
Which best describes the tone of this excerpt?
emotional and passionate
5.Read the excerpt from Rudolfo Anaya’s essay “Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry.”
Which phrase from the excerpt uses formal English?
“that activity can be justified by no one”
6.Read this excerpt from Rudolfo Anaya’s essay “Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry.”
Which of these changes would make this excerpt more argumentative?
including words that address logic and reason
7.Thomas Paine was an English American __________ who wrote pamphlets that influenced many people and were instrumental in starting the American Revolution. He skillfully communicated the ideas of the Revolution to everyone, from farmers to intellectuals.
If the purpose of this paragraph is to inform, which word best fits in the blank
8.Read the excerpt from Frederick Douglass’s speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”
Which phrase best describes the connotation of the word “reigns”?
a sense of oppression and domination
9.In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson talks about independence through his use of big words and fancy argument skills.
Which is the best revision to the sentence?
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson uses his command of the English language to make a powerful argument for American independence.
10.Read the excerpt from Rudolfo Anaya’s essay “Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry.”
Which phrase from the excerpt best uses persuasion?
“Our distinct cultures nourish each one of us”
edge 2021 stay strong
who is the first precedent in Ghana
Kwame Nkrumah (1909–1972)
1. என்னோடு சேர் இலக்கண குறிப்பு தருக
Give me a grammar note
In the sentence The mouse was chased by the cat, the cat is the Agent.
because he was chased the mouse
which all would require two people to know the same language but not require either to speak aloud in order to communicate
I know most people aren't going to be able to help me but if you could I would greatly appreciate it. It's just a latin Translation.
1) Conforme a leitura realizada, descreva o fato central de ambas as notícias, isto é, o que elas abordam?
O fato central de uma notícia corresponde ao seu assunto principal, ou seja, o objetivo do texto.
Todo texto é escrito sob um gênero textual, isso é, uma estrutura e características específicas de acordo com a sua proposta original. No caso de uma notícia, podemos dizer que o gênero textual mais adequado é o texto expositivo, onde o objetivo central é informar o leitor, através de explanação e descrição do fato central da notícia, o que faz com que o processo de comunicação ocorra de forma eficaz e o texto cumpra seu objetivo principal que é o de informar.
explain the importance of effective communication
effective communication can lead to less conflict and understanding things easier
if you communicate effectively there will be less miss understanding between two or more people and therefore less conflict
Effective communication helps in easy understanding among individuals
What is the space requirment of day old to four weeks of chicken for the layers.
a.30 square inches per chick
b.50 to 60 square cm.per bird
c.15 square inches per chick
d.None of the above
list 3 outcome that are feared by non-adherents of religion that could be dominant in a country and make a dialogue religions could avert the religios conflict
Christianity (49%)
Islam (42%)
Traditional faiths (8%)
कृयाबिशेषण र बिशेषण बिच भिन्नता के के हुन ।
विशेषणले एक संज्ञा वा सर्वनामको वर्णन गर्दछ, जबकि क्रियापद र अन्य गैर-संज्ञा / सर्वनाम वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ