which of the following views hides the ribbon and shows text on the screen in an easy-to-read format


Answer 1

The Full Screen Reading view is a view that hides the ribbon and shows text on the screen in an easy-to-read format.

The Full Screen Reading view is a new, alternative way to read Microsoft Word files that makes reading documents a much more pleasant experience.The screen is split into two columns, with the text taking up the majority of the screen, and a sidebar on the right providing easy access to various viewing options. This view is ideal for long documents with many pages, and it may be customized to meet your specific reading requirements.Furthermore, the Full Screen Reading view includes a "zoom" option that allows you to zoom in or out on the page, as well as a "Next Page" and "Previous Page" button to help you navigate the document. The Full Screen Reading view is ideal for individuals who want to read through long Word documents without being distracted by unnecessary information.

Learn more about Screen here



Related Questions

Command scripts are just a series of commands saved in a file with a .bat extension.

a. true
b. false


Command scripts are just a series of commands saved in a file with a .bat extension. This is true

How to explain the information

Command scripts, also known as batch files, are indeed a series of commands saved in a file with a .bat extension. These scripts are commonly used in Windows operating systems to automate tasks by executing a sequence of commands or instructions.

The .bat extension indicates that the file contains a batch script, which can be run by the Windows Command Prompt or by double-clicking on the file.

Learn more about file on



The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model: defines standards for many aspects of computing and communications within a network. is a generic description for how computers use multiple layers of protocol rules to communicate across a network. defines standards for wireless local area network (WLAN) communication protocols. details the advantages and disadvantages of various basic network cabling options.



is a generic description for how computers use multiple layers of protocol rules to communicate across a network.


OSI model stands for Open Systems Interconnection. The seven layers of OSI model architecture starts from the Hardware Layers (Layers in Hardware Systems) to Software Layers (Layers in Software Systems) and includes the following;

1. Physical Layer.

2. Data link Layer.

3. Network Layer.

4. Transport Layer.

5. Session Layer.

6. Presentation Layer.

7. Application Layer.

Hence, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model is a generic description for how computers use multiple layers of protocol rules to communicate across a network.

Additionally, each layer has its unique functionality which is responsible for the proper functioning of the communication services.

With ____, a resource user asks for a resource, and if it isn't found in the local resource registry, the resource locator searches for it in external locations.


With __"Resource Discovery"__, a resource user asks for a resource, and if it isn't found in the local resource registry, the resource locator searches for it in external locations.

What is "Resource Discovery"

The mechanism you're referring to is known as "Resource Discovery". Resource Discovery allows a system to locate and use resources that may be located in different areas of the network, instead of relying only on local resources.

It's particularly valuable in distributed systems where resources might be spread across different servers or locations. If the required resource is not available locally, the system will employ various algorithms and strategies to search for the resource in external or remote locations.

Read more on "Resource Discovery" hre https://brainly.com/question/29759586'


Which of the following is a small file that is placed on the computer hard drive of visitors to an organization's site?
a. a cookie
b. a wiki
c. an antivirus
d. a bookmark


The option which is a small file that is placed on the computer hard drive of visitors to an organization's site is called "Cookie" Opton A)

How does a cookie work ?

A cookie is a small file   that is placed on a visitor's computer hard drive when they access a website.

It is used to store information   about the visitor's interactions with the websiteand can be accessed by the website during subsequent visits.

Users can choose to accept or reject cookies,delete existing   cookies, or configure their browser to prompt for cookie acceptance on each website visit.

Learn more about Cookie at:



ces he three main media formats for online retailing are mobile Internet, stationery Internet and a. E-commerce b. Internet-enabled TV C. VPN d. None of these e. All of these 43. Mobile commerce compo


The three main media formats for online retailing are mobile Internet, stationery Internet and a. E-commerce.

What is E-commerce?

E-commerce, short for electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It involves conducting commercial transactions electronically, using online platforms, websites, or applications. E-commerce eliminates the need for physical presence in traditional brick-and-mortar stores, allowing customers to shop conveniently from anywhere at any time.

It encompasses various activities such as online shopping, online banking, online auctions, digital payments, and electronic ticketing. E-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate and has significantly impacted the global economy.

Find out more on E-commerce here: https://brainly.com/question/29115983


Salim wants to add a device to a network that will send data from a computer to a printer. Which hardware component should he use?



It’s letter B good luck
I think person above is correct (sorry if I'm wrong I just need points)

use the sort command to sort the contents of dir_out.txt in reverse order and redirect the output to a new file called dir_rev_sorted1.txt.


To sort the contents of the "dir_out.txt" file in reverse order and redirect the output to a new file named "dir_rev_sorted1.txt," you can use the "sort" command with the "-r" option and the ">" symbol for redirection.

The "sort" command is a utility available in most Unix-like operating systems that can be used to sort lines of text alphabetically or numerically. By default, it sorts in ascending order. To sort in reverse order, you can use the "-r" option, which tells the "sort" command to reverse the sorting order.

To perform the sorting and redirect the output to a new file, you can use the ">" symbol followed by the desired filename. In this case, you would run the following command:


sort -r dir_out.txt > dir_rev_sorted1.txt


This command will read the contents of "dir_out.txt," sort them in reverse order, and then save the sorted output to a new file named "dir_rev_sorted1.txt." The new file will contain the contents of "dir_out.txt" sorted in reverse order.

Learn more about sorts here:



two critical factors used to distinguish experimental designs from most non-experimental designs are:


The two critical factors used to distinguish experimental designs from most non-experimental designs are:

1 Manipulation of an independent variable

2 Control over extraneous variables

Manipulation of an independent variable: In an experimental design, researchers manipulate an independent variable to observe its effect on a dependent variable. The independent variable is deliberately changed by the researcher to see if it has any impact on the outcome.

Control over extraneous variables: In an experimental design, researchers try to maintain control over extraneous variables that might affect the outcome. This is done by keeping all other variables constant or controlling them in some way. By doing this, researchers can attribute any observed changes in the dependent variable to the manipulation of the independent variable.

These two factors help ensure that any observed effects are due to the manipulated variable and not to some other factor.

Learn more about non-experimental designs here:



Give several reasons why Python is such a great programming language. Explain how Python is related to flowcharts.

Consider this program:
Cost1 = input("Please enter the first expense: ")
Cost2 = input("Please enter the second expense: ")
print("Your total for both expenses was", Cost1 + Cost2)
If the user inputs “10” for the first expense and “20” for the second expense, what will the interpreter show in the final line when this program is run? If this result in not what the programmer intended, how would you explain what went wrong?

You are writing a line of code that should ask the user to input the balance of their bank account in dollars and cents. The program will then perform a multiplication problem to tell the user how much interest they can earn. Identify three errors in your line of input code and explain why they are incorrect. Include the corrected line of code in your answer. Here is the code:
1num = input(What is your balance?)

What are some kinds of comments that might be useful for a programmer to include in a program?

If you were planning how to write a program, at what point would a flowchart be helpful? At what point would pseudocode be helpful? Explain your reasoning.



G i v e   s e v e r a l   r e a s o n s   w h y   P y t h o n   i s   s u c h  a  gr e a t   p r o g r a m m i n g   l a n g u a g e.   E x p l a i n   h o w   P y t h o n   i s        r e l a t e d   t o   f l o w c h a r t s.

P y t h o n   i s   s u c h   a   g r e a t   p r o g r a m m i n g   l a n g u a g e b e c a u s e   i t   i s   s i m p l e,   p o p u l a r,   a n d   p o w e r f u l   e n o u g h   t o   c r e a t e   s o m e   a w e s o m e   a p p s.   P y t h o n   i s   r e l a t e d   t o   f l o w c h a r t s   b e c a u s e   F l o w c h a r t   P y t h o n    i s              e s s e n t i a l l y   t h e   P y t h o n   p r o g r a m m i n g   l a n g u a g e   i n   v i s u a l   f o r m.

C o n s i d e r    t h i s   p r o g r a m :  

C o s t 1   =   i n p u t ( " P l e a s e   e n t e r   t h e   f i r s t   e x p e n s e :  "  )

C o s t 2  =   i n p u t ( " P l e a s e   e n t e r   t h e   s e c o n d                        e x p e n se: ")

p r i n t ( " Y o u r   t o t a l   f o r   b o t h   e x p e n s e s   w a s " ,   C o s t 1   +   C o s t 2 )  

I f   t h e   u s e r   i n p u t s   “ 1 0 ”   f o r   t h e   f i r s t   e x p e n s e   a n d   “ 2 0 ”   f o r   t h e   s e c o n d   e x p e n s e ,   w h a t   w i l l   t h e               i n t e r p r e t e r   s h o w   i n   t h e   f i n a l   l i n e   w h e n   t h i s             p r o g r a m  i s   r u n ?   I f   t h i s   r e s u l t   i n   n o t   w h a t   t h e   p r o g r a m m e r   i n t e n d e d ,   h o w   w o u l d   y o u   e  x p l a i n   w h a t w e n t   w r o n g ?  

Y o u   a r e   w r i t i n g   a   l i n e   o f   c o d e   t h a t   s h o u l d   a s k   t h e   u s e r   t o   i n p u t   t h e   b a l a n c e   o f   t h e i r   b a n k   a c c o u n t   i n   d o l l a r s   a n d   c e n t s .   T h e   p r o g r a m   w i l l   t h e n   p e r f o r m   a   m u l t i p l i c a t i o n   p r o b l e m   t o   t e l l   t h e   u s e r   h o w   m u c h   i n t e r e s t   t h e y   c a n   e a r n .   I d e n t i f y   t h r e e   e r r o r s   i n   y o u r   l i n e   o f   i n p u t   c o d e   a n d   e x p l a i n   w h y  t h e y   a r e   i n c o r r e c t .   I n c l u d e   t h e   c o r r e c t e d   l i n e   o f   c o d e   i n   y o u r   a n s w e r .   H e r e   i s   t h e   c o d e :  

T h e   f i r s t   e r r o r   i s   t h a t   t h e   v a r i a b l e   s t  a r t s   w i t h   a   n u m b e r ,   w h i c h   i s   a   r u l e   y o u   c a n ’ t   b r e a k ,   o r   e l s e   t h e   c o m p u t e r   w o n ’ t   k n o w   t h a t   i t ’ s   a   v a r i a b l e .   T h e   n e x t   e r r o r   i  s   t h a t   t h e y   d i d n ’ t   d e c l a r e   t h e   v a r i a b l e   a s   a   f l o a t .   T h e   f i n a l   e r r o r   i s   t h a t   t h e r e   a r e   n o   q u o t a t i o n   m a r k s   i n   t h e   p a r e n t h e s e s ,   w h i c h   a r e   n e e d e d    t o   t  e l l   t h e   c o m p u t e r   t o   o u t p u t   t h a t   o u t   t o   t h e   s c r e e n ,   o r   e l s e   i t s   g o i n g   t o   t h i n k   t h a t   y o u   w a n t   t h e   c o m p u t e r  t o   f i l l   t h a t   i n   i t s e l f .  

1 n u m = input(What is your balance?)

What are some kinds of comments that might be useful for a programmer to include in a program?

some kinds of comments that might be useful is when there is a bug, something that needs to be fixed, something that is easy to hack, and something the programmer needs to finish if the programmer released the program early.

If you were planning how to write a program, at what point would a flowchart be helpful? At what point would p s e u d o c o d e be helpful? Explain your reasoning.

A flowchart is helpful in the beginning of writing a program when you are planning what to do. The p s e u d o c o d e would be helpful before you start the coding. The reason is because flowcharts are helpful for planning out your course of action, while pseudocode helps you plan what you are going to write, so it should be right before you start coding, so you know everything that you were thinking about whilst writing the p s e u d o c o d e , and you know that if one thing doesn’t work, you still have all the previous thoughts on that line.


I have the same text questions so I don't want to get anything wrong. I also want to be a developer of  M i n e c r a f t , so I pay attention in my coding class.

use the function you created in question 6 in a select statement that returns five columns: vendorcity and the four columns returned by the function.


Assuming that the function created in question 6 is named `fn_get_num_products`, here is an example of how to use it in a select statement that returns five columns including vendorcity and the four columns returned by the function:```
SELECT vendorcity,
      fn_get_num_products(vendorid) AS total_products,
      fn_get_num_products(vendorid, 1) AS active_products,
      fn_get_num_products(vendorid, 0) AS inactive_products,
      fn_get_num_products(vendorid, NULL) AS null_products
FROM vendors;

```In the example above, the `SELECT` statement is selecting five columns: vendorcity, total_products, active_products, inactive_products, and null_products. The `fn_get_num_products` function is called four times, once for each of the four columns returned by the function.The `vendorid` parameter is passed to the function to calculate the number of products for each vendor. The second parameter is used to specify the status of the products (1 for active, 0 for inactive, NULL for all products).

Know more about SELECT here:



• explain why data literacy is important when evaluating sources of evidence from a study


Data literacy is crucial when evaluating sources of evidence from a study because it enables individuals to critically analyze and interpret data etc.

Data literacy plays a vital role in evaluating sources of evidence from a study for several reasons. Firstly, data literacy allows individuals to effectively analyze and interpret the data presented in the study. They can understand the statistical methods used, identify any biases or limitations in the data collection process, and assess the accuracy of the results.

Furthermore, data literacy helps individuals recognize potential errors or inconsistencies in the data. They can assess the sample size, data collection methods, and statistical significance to determine if the evidence is reliable and representative of the population under study. By understanding data visualization techniques and interpreting graphs, individuals can also identify any misleading or manipulated presentations of data.

Moreover, data literacy enables individuals to evaluate the credibility of the sources from which the evidence is derived. They can assess the reputation and expertise of the researchers, the credibility of the publishing platform or journal, and any conflicts of interest that may influence the results.

Overall, data literacy empowers individuals to critically evaluate sources of evidence, ensuring that they make well-informed decisions based on reliable and valid information. It equips them with the skills to navigate the abundance of data available and discern the quality and relevance of the evidence presented in studies.

Learn more about data here:



In Python, a function is _____.

a group of instructions that can be used to organize a program or perform a repeated task

a value that can be passed back to the calling part of a program

a formula that pairs each x-value with a unique y-value

a value that can be passed



a group of instructions that can be used to organize a program or perform a repeated task


A function is a group of commands that can be called upon with extra parameters if needed.


def foo():                          #defining this function and naming it foo

    return True                 #what is performed when foo is called on

if foo() == True:               #foo() is calling on a function named foo


use humorous and monster in a sentence.


Answer: Here are a few...

1) The monstrous elephant trampled through the jungle crushing everything in its path.

2) Because it was so monstrous, the maid often got lost in the massive home she cleaned.

3) Monstrous amounts of foods are needed to feed the hundreds of refugees who showed up at the soup kitchen.


I hope this helps :D

can plastic be recycled and how can plastic be recycled and into what​



There are two types of plastic, thermoset and thermoplastic. Thermoset plastics cannot be recycled due to the fact that they contain polymers that cross-link to form an irreversible chemical bond which means no matter what you can't just melt them into reusable products. Whereas thermoplastics can be remelted and remolded to form new plastic products. Things such as milk jugs, plastic bags, bottles, bottle caps, and foam packaging can be reused to make things like new bottles and containers, plastic lumber, picnic tables, lawn furniture, playground equipment, recycling bins, park benches, backyard decks and fences,  t-shirts, sweaters, fleece jackets, insulation for jackets and sleeping bags, carpeting, more bottles, batteries for your car, garden rakes, storage containers, reusable shopping bags, yarn, ropes, brooms, more bottle caps, insulation, picture frames, building products for your home, and more foam packaging.


I really hope this helps ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Genetics Vocabulary: no
Allele: Different versions of the same qene (Aa, Bb)


lele — alternative forms of a gene for each variation of a trait of an organism
Crossing over — exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids from homologous chromosome during prophase I of meiosis; results in new allele combinations
Diploid — cell with two of each kind of chromosome; is said to contain a diploid, or 2n, number of chromosomes

Here the result !
Hope this help go head and hit me up if anything

which of the following digital presentation techniques would not enhance the audience's experience? including slides that reflect the content in a way that is easily understood. using as many charts and graphs as possible to relay all of the information. incorporating images that are relevant to the content with captions that relate. chunking information with bullet points instead of displaying long paragraphs.


Using as many charts and graphs as possible to relay all of the information would not enhance the audience's experience.

Why is it important to create a balance?

While charts and graphs can be effective in presenting data and statistics, overusing them can overwhelm the audience and make the presentation visually cluttered.

It's important to strike a balance between visual elements and textual content to maintain audience engagement.

Additionally, relying solely on charts and graphs may not cater to the diverse learning preferences and needs of the audience, as some individuals may benefit from additional explanations or examples.

Read more about charts and graphs here:


(e) predicting the outcomes of tossing a (fair) pair of dice.


When tossing a pair of fair dice, there are 36 possible outcomes, as each die can land in one of six possible ways. To predict the outcomes, we can use basic probability theory.

The most common way to represent the outcomes of rolling two dice is by using a table or matrix called a probability distribution, which lists all possible outcomes along with their associated probabilities.

For example, if we label the two dice as A and B, then the probability distribution would have 6 rows and 6 columns, corresponding to the possible values of A and B. The entry in row i and column j would be the probability that A takes value i and B takes value j.

For a fair pair of dice, the probability of any particular outcome is simply the number of ways that outcome can occur divided by the total number of possible outcomes. For example, the probability of rolling a total of 7 is 6/36 = 1/6, since there are six ways to get a total of 7 (1+6, 2+5, 3+4, 4+3, 5+2, 6+1) out of the 36 possible outcomes.

By analyzing the probability distribution, we can make various predictions about the outcomes of rolling two dice. For instance, we can compute the expected value of the sum of the two dice, which is simply the sum of all possible outcomes weighted by their probabilities. In this case, the expected value of the sum turns out to be 7, which means that over many rolls of the dice, we expect the average sum to be around 7.

Learn more about tossing here:



which of the following addresses can not be used by an interface in the 223.1.3/29 network? check all that apply.
O a. O b. O c. O d. O e.


To determine which addresses cannot be used by an interface in the 223.1.3/29 network, we need to check the available addresses within the given network range and identify any invalid addresses.

The network range 223.1.3/29 provides a total of 8 IP addresses, including the network address and the broadcast address. The valid host addresses within this network range are as follows: (Network Address) (Broadcast Address)

Based on the available addresses, the addresses that cannot be used by an interface in the 223.1.3/29 network are:




Therefore, options (a), (c), and (d) are the addresses that cannot be used by an interface in the 223.1.3/29 network.

Learn more about addresses here:



What are the three basic tasks that a systems forensic specialist must keep in mind when handling evidence during a cybercrime investigation?


The 3 things the specialist needs to keep in mind are:




What are the three basic tasks that a systems forensic specialist must keep in mind?

When handling evidence during a cybercrime investigation, a systems forensic specialist must keep in mind the following three basic tasks:

Identification: The forensic specialist needs to identify and locate potential digital evidence related to the cybercrime.

This involves identifying the relevant systems, devices, or storage media that may contain evidence. It is crucial to document the location, time, and condition of the evidence to maintain the chain of custody.

Preservation: Once identified, the forensic specialist must take steps to preserve the integrity of the evidence. This includes making a forensic image or exact copy of the original data source, ensuring that the evidence remains unchanged during the investigation.

Analysis: The forensic specialist conducts a thorough analysis to extract relevant information. This involves examining the digital evidence, performing forensic techniques, recovering deleted files, analyzing logs, and reconstructing timelines.

Learn more about cybercrime investigation at:



1) Using a set of values from 0 to 5, perform the following unions using union-by-size. Show the result of each union. When sizes are the same, make the second tree a child of the first tree. Notice the finds return roots, and the union will union the roots.
2) Illustrate the array for the final forest of the previous problem (note that roots are not simply -1 when using union-by-size).


1) Let's consider the set of values from 0 to 5 and perform the following unions using union-by-size. Find the result of each union where sizes are the same, make the second tree a child of the first tree. Find returns roots, and the union will union the roots.union(find(0),find(1))find(0) = 0find(1) = 1Perform union, size of 1 is smaller than the size of 0 so we make 1 the child of 0. [0] -> [-1,0] [1] -> [0,1]union(find(3),find(4))find(3) = 3find(4) = 4Perform union, size of 4 is greater than the size of 3 so we make 3 the child of 4. [0] -> [-1,0] [1] -> [0,1] [4,3]union(find(5),find(1))find(5) = 5find(1) = 1Perform union, size of 2 is smaller than the size of 0 so we make 1 the child of 0. [0] -> [-2,0] [1] -> [0,1] [4,3] [5] -> [1,5]union(find(2),find(5))find(2) = 2find(5) = 5Perform union, size of 3 is smaller than the size of 0 so we make 5 the child of 0. [0] -> [-3,0] [1] -> [0,1] [4,3] [5,2]union(find(3),find(2))find(3) = 4find(2) = 0Perform union, size of 4 is greater than the size of 3 so we make 2 the child of 3. [0] -> [-4,0] [1] -> [0,1] [4,3] [5,2]The final answer for the union of these sets will be [−4, 0, 1, 3, 2, 5] 2) The array for the final forest of the previous problem (note that roots are not simply -1 when using union-by-size) is given below:Forest Array[-4,0,1,3,2,5]

Know more about Array here:



1. explore data using cluster analysis of protein, fat, and carbs consumption.


Cluster study is a mathematical method used to group comparable objects or data points into clusters established their correspondences or dissimilarities.

What is cluster analysis?

In the framework of investigating dossier on protein, fat, and hydrogen devouring, cluster study can help identify patterns or clusters of things accompanying analogous abstinence from food tendencies.

To cluster analyze protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake data:

1. Collect data on consumption for individuals. Organize data in tabular format with individual rows and macronutrient columns. Preprocessing: Standardize data for comparable scaling. Needed to avoid one nutrient dominating. Standardization methods: z-score normalization or min-max scaling.

Learn more about cluster analysis  from



Inconsistent implementation of condition protocols refers to which threat to internal validity?


Inconsistent implementation of condition protocols refers to the threat to internal validity called Implementation Threat. The implementation threat occurs when protocols and procedures that are inconsistent across conditions occur, which can lead to inaccurate interpretations of the study's outcomes.

If the intervention is not properly implemented, then the outcomes are unlikely to reflect the intended intervention’s impact. It can be difficult to determine whether the effects of the intervention are due to the intervention itself or the way it was implemented. A common way to address implementation threats is to develop a detailed protocol that clearly describes how the intervention should be delivered across all conditions. Another approach to reduce the threat is by monitoring the implementation process throughout the study.The success of an experiment's conclusion depends on the experiment's internal validity. If the experiment has low internal validity, the results are unlikely to be valid, and researchers must not draw conclusions about the intervention's effectiveness. Researchers must use robust internal validity designs to address internal validity threats to draw valid conclusions about the intervention's impact. Internal validity is defined as the extent to which the results of an experiment can be attributed to the intervention.

To know more about threat visit:



On larger computers such as servers, a volume can span multiple physical secondary storage devices.

a. true
b. false


On larger computers such as servers, a volume can span multiple physical secondary storage devices is True.

What is a volume?

A volume is a logical unit of storage that can be made up of multiple physical disks. This is often done on larger computers such as servers to increase the available storage space and improve performance. When a volume spans multiple disks, the data is striped across the disks, which can improve performance by spreading the read and write operations across multiple disks.

There are a number of different ways to create a volume that spans multiple disks. One common method is to use a RAID controller. A RAID controller is a hardware device that manages the disks in a RAID array.

Find out more on secondary storage devices here: https://brainly.com/question/20600657


What is the tone for The Untiming of Ben and Ruby: Episode 1


The tone of "The Untiming of Ben and Ruby: Episode 1" is suspenseful. Suspense is a literary tool that allows the reader to be anxious, curious, and fearful about the outcome of an event or character's decision. It is used in many genres of literature, such , thriller, horror, and science fiction.

Suspense can be created by several factors, including the author's use of plot, setting, characters, and language. In the case of "The Untiming of Ben and Ruby: Episode 1," the suspense is mainly created through the plot. The story is about two young people, Ben and Ruby, who get involved in a time-travel experiment that goes awry.

They end up trapped in a time loop, reliving the same day over and over again, and they must figure out how to break the cycle. The suspense comes from the fact that the reader doesn't know how the story will end. Will Ben and Ruby find a way out of the time loop.

To know more about Untiming visit:



To lay out a web page so it adjusts to the width of the screen, you use : a. fluid layout, b. media queries, c. liquid layout, d. scalable images


To lay out a web page so it adjusts to the width of the screen, you use : a. fluid layout.

What is fluid layout?

Fluid layout is very useful for responsive publications, but it can also be used with fixed-size elements.

With respect to WordPress theme development, a fluid layout is one that measures blocks of text, images, or any other item that is a part of the WordPress style using proportionate values. This enables the website to resize and enlarge itself to fit the size of the user's screen.

Learn more about web page at;



Implement an approximation algorithm for the Traveling Salesperson problem, run it on your system, and study it's performances using several problem instances.
in any languages and please comment code and screenshot


The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a popular problem in computer science that entails discovering the shortest route to visit a set of cities and return to the starting point. TSP is a well-known NP-hard problem, which means that the problem's complexity grows exponentially with the number of cities.Here is an implementation of an approximation algorithm for the TSP problem using Python:```
import itertools
import random
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def distance(point1, point2):
   x1, y1 = point1
   x2, y2 = point2
   return ((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) ** 0.5

def total_distance(points):
   return sum(distance(point, points[index + 1])
              for index, point in enumerate(points[:-1]))

def traveling_salesperson(points, start=None):
   if start is None:
       start = points[0]
   return min(itertools.permutations(points), key=lambda x: total_distance([start] + list(x)))

def generate_random_points(n, seed=1):
   return [(random.randint(0, 1000), random.randint(0, 1000)) for _ in range(n)]

def plot(points):
   plt.plot([p[0] for p in points], [p[1] for p in points], 'bo-')

if __name__ == '__main__':
   points = generate_random_points(10)
   start = time.time()
   best_order = traveling_salesperson(points)
   end = time.time()
   print("time:", end - start)
   plot([points[i] for i in best_order])```

Know more about TSP here:



true/false. facility automation uses internet of things (iot) to integrate automation into business functions to reduce reliance on machinery.


True. Facility automation utilizes the Internet of Things (IoT) to integrate automation into business functions and reduce dependence on machinery.

Facility automation refers to the application of advanced technologies, including IoT, to automate and optimize various processes within a facility or building. By leveraging IoT, facility automation integrates interconnected devices and systems to enhance operational efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.

The IoT plays a crucial role in facility automation by enabling the seamless connectivity and communication between different devices, sensors, and systems. Through IoT-enabled automation, businesses can monitor and control various aspects of their facilities, such as lighting, temperature, security, energy usage, and equipment maintenance.

By reducing reliance on traditional machinery and manual processes, facility automation improves operational efficiency, reduces costs, enhances safety, and allows for more effective resource management. IoT-based automation systems provide real-time data and insights, enabling businesses to make informed decisions, automate routine tasks, and optimize their operations for better performance and sustainability.

Learn more about automation here:



_____ is a virtual team management tool for scheduling. a. sqwiggle b. jive c. doodle d. brix


The correct answer is c. Doodle.is a virtual team management tool for scheduling.

Doodle is a virtual team management tool that provides scheduling and coordination features. It allows users to create and share online polls and surveys to efficiently schedule meetings, events, or any other time-based activities within virtual teams. Doodle simplifies the process of finding the best meeting time by collecting availability information from team members and presenting it in a clear and organized manner, making it easier to find a consensus and avoid scheduling conflicts.

To know more about virtual click the link below:



Discussion Thread: Cybersecurity — Information Hiding-Least Privilege-Modularization
science computer


Cybersecurity plays a crucial role in protecting sensitive information and preventing unauthorized access to systems and data.

Three important concepts in the field of cybersecurity are information hiding, least privilege, and modularization. Let's discuss each of these concepts in detail.

Information hiding is a principle that involves concealing sensitive information or data within a system. It aims to limit access to information only to those who require it for legitimate purposes. By hiding information, the risk of unauthorized access or leakage is reduced, enhancing the overall security of the system. This can be achieved through techniques such as encryption, access controls, and data obfuscation.

Least privilege is a security principle that states that individuals or processes should be given only the minimum level of access rights or permissions necessary to perform their tasks. By adhering to the least privilege principle, organizations can minimize the potential damage that can be caused by compromised accounts or malicious activities. Limiting access rights reduces the attack surface and helps prevent unauthorized actions or data breaches.

Modularization involves dividing a system or application into smaller, independent modules or components. Each module performs a specific function and operates with minimal dependencies on other modules. This approach improves security by isolating different parts of the system. If a module is compromised, the impact is limited to that specific module, reducing the risk of a widespread security breach. Modularization also promotes maintainability, scalability, and easier auditing of system components.

By integrating information hiding, least privilege, and modularization principles into cybersecurity practices, organizations can enhance their overall security posture. These concepts help protect sensitive information, limit access rights to authorized individuals, and reduce the potential impact of security incidents. Applying these principles requires careful planning, implementation, and continuous monitoring to ensure ongoing effectiveness in safeguarding systems and data.

Learn more about unauthorized here:



2. You could argue that it would be appropriate in this case to state your assessment of the blog up front but make your recommendation for action only after presenting the information about the blog. Your reasoning would be
Multiple Choice
that your boss might not read the whole report if you stated your recommendation up front.
both that you want to avoid seeming pushy and that you want to build support for your recommendation before presenting it.
that your recommendation is of little importance here.
that, given your position, it could seem pushy to make your recommendation at the beginning of the report.
that you want to build your boss’s confidence in your analysis before making your recommendation


The most appropriate reasoning in this case would be option b) Both that you want to avoid seeming pushy and that you want to build support for your recommendation before presenting it.

What is the recommendation?

You can offer a thorough comprehension of the situation by introducing details about the blog prior to expressing your evaluation and suggestion.

This tactic enables your supervisor to create their own perspective by analyzing the given data, instead of sensing as though you are asserting your own stance from the outset.

Learn more about recommendation  from



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The following expenses were incurred and paid as indicated: Expense Payment Date Rental of coliseum $25,000 December 21, 2020 Cost of goods sold: Food 30,000 December 30, 2020 Souvenirs 60,000 December 30, 2020 Performers 100,000 January 5, 2021 Cleaning the coliseum $10,000 February 1, 2021Performers Cleaning the coliseum Because the coliseum was not scheduled to be used again until January 15, the company with which Duck had contracted did not perform the cleanup until January 8-10, 2020. a. Calculate Duck's net income from the concert for tax purposes for 2019. If an amount is zero, enter "0". Gross receipts 300,000 Coliseum rental 25,000 Food 30,000 Souvenirs 60,000 Performers 100,000a. Calculate Duck's net income from the concert for tax purposes for 2019. If an amount is zero, enter "0". Gross receipts 300,000 Less: Coliseum rental 25,000 Food 30,000 Souvenirs 60,000 Performers 100,000 Cleaning costs Total expenses 215,000 Net income for 2019 85,000 b. 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