Durante la guerra, Francia perdió el control sobre todas sus posesiones canadienses, lo que fue ratificado por el Tratado de París. Perdió por tanto todas sus colonias al este del Misisipi, salvo Saint Pierre y Miquelon, dos islas cerca de Terranova. En el Caribe, solo mantuvo las islas de Guadalupe y Martinica. España no salió muy mal parada ya que recibió Luisiana en compensación por la pérdida de Florida37 y también recuperó La Habana.36
Gran Bretaña había sido, claramente el gran vencedor del conflicto, consiguiendo dominar toda la costa este de Norteamérica y eliminando un imperio colonial rival que le impedía extenderse hacia el interior. También ganó importancia en las aguas caribeñas gracias a las numerosas plazas ganadas a los franceses.
A Gran Bretaña se le planteó el problema de cómo gobernar la Provincia de Quebec, habitada por católicos francófonos, contra los cuales tenían leyes en la metrópoli. El rey de Francia, temeroso de represalias contra sus ciudadanos, consiguió incluir en el Tratado de París algunas cláusulas por las cuales los británicos debían respetar sus costumbres y religión.
Militarmente, Gran Bretaña se convirtió en la mayor potencia mundial, tanto en tierra como en el mar. Comenzó tras la guerra de los Siete Años un siglo de predominio británico en todo el mundo, con un Imperio que abarcaba gran parte de Norteamérica, casi un tercio de África y la India, poseyendo una Armada capaz de mantener y proteger todas sus tierras. Francia entró en una etapa de decadencia militar de la que le costó salir.
Económicamente la guerra fue desastrosa para ambas partes. Las deudas públicas en los dos países amenazaban con llevar a la bancarrota a la Hacienda pública. Ambos reaccionaron subiendo los impuestos enormemente. La diferencia fue que Gran Bretaña los aplicó a los colonos norteamericanos y Francia, habiendo perdido sus colonias tuvo que gravar la vida de sus ciudadanos. Fueron notables los impuestos sobre el comercio del té y la ley del Timbre.
Por otro lado la expulsión de los acadianos de Nova Scotia provocó una migración de estos hacia las otras posesiones francesas al oeste del Misisipi creyendo que éstas volverían pronto a ser francesas y que la dominación española sería temporal. Surgió así la población cajún en los alrededores de Nueva Orleans.38
Por último, y no tan directamente, esta guerra pudo llevar a la Revolución de las colonias contra la dominación británica. Como ya se comentó antes, Gran Bretaña impuso a sus colonias unos desorbitados impuestos que ahogaban su economía, lo que llevó entre otros, al motín del Té.39 Además, como ya predijeron tanto británicos como franceses durante e inmediatamente después de la guerra franco-india, al perder los colonos a la única potencia vecina capaz de vencerlos ya no necesitaban del ejército británico para defenderse. Los únicos enemigos a los que se tenían que enfrentar eran a los nativos, a los que hasta el momento habían conseguido doblegar. Inglaterra había forzado a muchos colonos a participar activamente en la guerra por lo que en las colonias vivían numerosos veteranos que sabían aplicar las tácticas de guerra y que, aún más importante, habían descubierto que eran capaces de vencer a ejércitos mayores.
What are 3 types of Christianity on the world religion map
Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox
if you can help with any question that would be awesome
poverty is the state of being extremely poor. Explanation:
The Magna Carta established the rule of law, which states that
Clause 39 states as follows: "No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land."
how some authoritarian governments
Authoritarianism is characterized by highly concentrated and centralized government power maintained by political repression and the exclusion of potential challengers. It uses political parties and mass organizations to mobilize people around the goals of the regime.
What country has authoritarian government?
Democracy Index by country 2019
Rank Country Functioning of government
1 Norway 9.64
2 Iceland 9.29
3 Sweden 9.64
4 New Zealand 9.29
Authoritarian. A government in which one leader or group of people holds absolute power. Dictatorship. Characteristics. Absolute rules; unchecked powers; most common form of rule through history; main rival to constitutional democracy; obtain power through violence.
Hope I helped If I did please give me brainiest <333 :3
4. Which lessons did George Washington learn from the French and Indian War?
He gained valuable military skills, acquiring tactical, strategic and logistical military experience, he also acquired political skills in his dealings with the British military establishment and provincial government
How did America's entry into World War II end the lingering effects of the Great Depression
a common fallacy is that the Great Depression was ended by the explosive spending of World War II but World War II actually institutionalized the sharp decline in the standard of living caused by the depression the Depression was actually ended and prosperity restored by the sharp reductions in spending taxes and regulation at the end of World War II exactly contrary to analysis of Keynesian so-called economist
Which of the following is an example of a weakness in the Articles of Confederation?
A. Congress couldn't collect taxes.
B. Provided no common currency
C. Weak national government
D. All of the Above
Sports became popular in the late 1800s because of what?
Answer: the first Olympic Games being held in 1896
How was crime and punishment in the year 999
An apple, potato, and onion all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged
Which sentence describes a key difference between a historical timeline and a history brochure?
A timeline organizes facts by topic while a brochure organizes facts chronologically.
A timeline includes facts about events while a history brochure offers mostly opinions.
A timeline incorporates pictures and captions while a brochure only uses text.
A timeline covers many events while a brochure usually focuses on a single event
A time line covers many events while a brochure focuses on a single event. Explanation: just because its right
d it is the only correct answer
Explain how the Church influenced secular rulers during the Middle Ages. *
During the high Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church became organized into an elaborate hierarchy with the pope as the head in western Europe. He establish supreme power. Many innovations took place in the creative arts during the high Middle Ages. Literacy was no longer merely requirement among the clergy.
The Roman Catholic Church was very influential during the Middle Ages. In a sense, they were more powerful than Kings. They determined the lifestyle of the people and can enact several laws that can effect the country.
For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.
Jesus -
apostle -
Paul -
Diaspora -
Constantine -
bishop -
Peter -
pope -
what do you mean by this please explain further
A settlement that acts as a base for those who are sent to a foreign region for religious work is called____________.
a chapel
a mission
a colony
a fort
A. Mission
Hope this helps
uhm i think it's C but i'm not sure
What was the final event that took place that influenced the colonies to create the First Continental Congress? What did they all agree to do as a protest to England? Why did Lexington and Concord take place and what will it's nickname be known as?
In response to the violence of the Boston Massacre of 1770 and new taxes like the Tea Act of 1773, a group of frustrated colonists protested taxation without representation by dumping 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor on the night of December 16, 1773 – an event known to history as Boston Tea Party
B. Writing "Common sense" to persuade others to join the Patriots.
Thomas Paine was well known for being the author of the Common Sense, which was a propaganda material to persuade colonists on why the US has to find their liberty. It is an early propaganda material that was distributed thorough-out the 13 colonies, and was especially effective in raising awareness and bringing the colonies closer together.
The middle colonies were founded
A. As safe havens for Catholics and Quakers.
B. As trading posts for fur.
C. For-profit and as strategic trading posts.
D. For religion, profit, and strategy.
Answer: D
The middle colonies were founded for religion, profit, and strategy:
Religion - many religious Puritans lived in Maryland, and VirginiaProfit - tobacco was very common in Maryland, cotton in VirginiaStrategy - the land was very good for raising animalsHope this helps you!
Answer: D
The middle colonies were founded for religion, profit, and strategy:
Religion - many religious Puritans lived in Maryland, and Virginia
Profit - tobacco was very common in Maryland, cotton in Virginia
Strategy - the land was very good for raising animals
Hope this helps you!
If you had been a delegate at the Congress, do you think you would
have been a conservative or a radical? Why?
The Magna Carta referred to jury trial as:
The right to a trial by jury, one of the most time-honored inheritances from Magna Carta in United States law, refers to the guarantee that courts will depend on a body of citizens to render judgments in most civil and criminal cases.
what do you think was the greatest empire in history? and why?
1) The British Empire was the largest empire the world has ever seen.
The British Empire covered 13.01 million square miles of land - more than 22% of the earth's landmass.The empire had 458 million people in 1938 — more than 20% of the world's population.
The British Empire began with overseas colonies and trading posts and in the end comprised dominions, protectorates, and mandates, as well.
It was made up of 13 million square miles of land - more than 22% of the earth's land-mass. In 1922, the Empire had a population of 458 million people or about 20% the global population.
The financial burden of World War I was the beginning of the end for the British Empire.
Japan's occupation of its territories in the Second World War and the loss of India in 1947 brought the days of the British Empire to a close.
What form of government was in place in Great Britain in 1620, when the Pilgrims left to establish a colony in the new world?
Absolute Monarchy
________ caused the demand for slave labor to grow in the carolinas
B.Rice growing
D.Ship Building
describe and example of popular sovereignty
Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives, who are the source of all political power.
Which statement best completes the diagram on the process for amending
the U.S. Constitution?
amendment is
proposed in
amendment is
sent to the
states for
The amendment
is ratified in
three-fifths of
the states.
A. The amendment is temporarily added to the Constitution.
B. The amendment is approved in both houses of Congress.
C. The amendment is sent to the Supreme Court for review.
D. The amendment is edited in Congress and sent to the president.
i think b
Which sea was part of a traditional trade pattern that linked Northern Europe with Asia and Africa?
What were major wars in 18th century in Bosnia and Herezgovina and how did they impact on the land and territory of BiH?
According to the wording of the treaty did Hawaii willingly or
unwillingly become annexed by the United States?
I think they were unwillingly because now they don't have the right on their own
The annexation of Hawaii by America in 1898 increased American territory into the Pacific and emphasized the effects of economic integration and the country's ascent as a Pacific superpower.
What do you mean by annexation?An official act through which a state declares its dominion over territory that was previously beyond its borders is called annexation. An annexation is a unilateral act that is rendered effective by real possession and legitimized by widespread acknowledgment, in contrast to cession, in which land is given or sold through treaty.
Conquest and military occupation of the captured territory are often followed by annexation. There are times when a conquest can be accomplished by the threat of force without actual conflicts, such as when Germany annexed Austria in 1938. Annexation is not a prerequisite for or result of military occupation.
As a result, annexation did not occur after the Allied military occupation of Germany following the end of World War II. An official declaration that the annexing state's sovereign authority has been established and will be maintained in the future is customary when military occupation leads to annexation.
Such a declaration was issued by both Israel and Russia after their annexations of the Ukrainian Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 2014 and the Golan Heights in 1981.
Learn more about annexation, here
What are some facts about the unknown soldiers tomb?
There were four unknown soldier candidates for the ww1 crypt
There were four potential Korean war representatives
The tomb has been guarded 24/7 since 1937
Younger chose the Unknown Soldier of World War I, who now lies in the tomb. President Warren G. Harding officiated at the interment ceremonies at the Memorial Amphitheater on November 11, 1921. There are three other soldiers buried at the tomb.
Sentinels are never allowed to drink
As long as they are not a guard going through training (they don't have time to drink anyway) and they are of age, they are free to enjoy alcohol — as long as they are off-duty and they have a designated driver or taxi ready.
The statement below was made to an interviewer in Atlanta, Georgia in the 1930s.
Do you know I've never voted in my life, never been able to exercise my right as a citizen because of the poll tax?
How is this concern addressed in the U.S. Constitution?
By making all taxes unconstitutional
By making barriers to voting unconstitutional
By limiting voting rights for some Americans
By giving noncitizens the right to vote
By making barriers to voting unconstitutional
just took the test lol
Question: Do you know I've never voted in my life, never been able to exercise my right as a citizen because of the poll tax?
Answer: By Making Barriers To Voting Unconstitutional.
Contextualizing The Code Book
Write four to five sentences explaining how the central
idea of The Code Book, that the information we share
over the Internet is not as protected as we think it is,
relates to the context of your own life.?
The information we sent over internet isn't private and goes through many different places before reaching it's desired place.A simple message meant for a friend who is across the street may get acroos to a third world country without u=you knowing.There is no privacy on internet.Everything seems simple but it is very complex and hard to protect.Password protection doesn't give privacy it just provides the illusion.
Which of the following might have caused people to oppose the articles of confederation
how weak it made the government
let's take the uprising in Massachusetts the government had to rely on the states militia to put it down not the government's army